Burbank Russet Potato

Hey there, fellow potato enthusiast! Today, we’re going to talk about the ever-popular and versatile Burbank Russet potato. This tasty potato variety has made its mark in the culinary world, creating some of our all-time favorite dishes. In this article, we’ll dive headfirst into all there is to know about the Burbank Russet potato.

From its visual appearance to its delightful flavor, we’ll take you through everything that makes this tuber so special. Perfect for home cooks, gardeners, and anyone who loves potatoes (and let’s be honest, who doesn’t?), our exploration of the Burbank Russet will have you itching to get your hands on some, cook up a storm, and maybe even try growing them yourself.

So, buckle up, grab a cup of tea or coffee, and get ready to embark on a journey to discover one of the most beloved potato varieties in the world—the incredible Burbank Russet potato.

Visual Appearance


When it comes to the visual appearance of the Burbank Russet potato, the first thing you’ll notice is its distinctive skin. The color varies from a deep brown to a lighter tan, giving it a rustic, earthy appearance. The texture of the skin is rough and netted, which not only adds to its charm but also helps in differentiating it from other potato varieties.

Shape and Size

The Burbank Russet potato takes on a cylindrical and oblong shape. This shape makes it an ideal pick for dishes that require long and uniform slices, like French fries. As for its size, Burbank Russets can vary quite a bit, from small to medium-sized potatoes perfect for personal meals to larger ones great for sharing or using in recipes requiring a larger quantity.

Inner Flesh

Once you peel away the rough exterior, you’ll find the inner flesh of the Burbank Russet potato to be a beautiful white or yellowish-white color. When cooked, the flesh becomes tender and creamy, which lends itself well to a variety of dishes due to its versatility and mouthwatering texture.

Flavor Profile

When it comes to enjoying a delicious potato dish, the flavor profile of the Burbank Russet potato is definitely worth exploring. This much-loved potato offers a unique and delectable taste that many home cooks and professional chefs appreciate.

Earthy and Nutty Flavors

One of the key characteristics of the Burbank Russet potato is its earthy, slightly nutty taste. The potato’s natural flavor is not too overpowering and complements a wide range of dishes. This subtle flavor allows the potato to absorb the tastes of other ingredients it is cooked with, making it versatile and a favorite among many.

Mild Flavor Profile

Another thing you’ll notice about the Burbank Russet is its mild flavor profile. While some potatoes can be strong and intense in taste, the Burbank Russet is just right. This mellow flavor makes it an ideal ingredient for various culinary delights. Whether you plan to bake, fry, or boil these potatoes, their flavor will never dominate or overshadow the other flavors in your dish.

So, next time you’re looking for a potato with a perfect balance of earthy, nutty, and mild flavors, don’t hesitate to pick up some Burbank Russets!

Starchiness Profile

Hey there, potato enthusiast! Let’s dive into one of the essential aspects of the Burbank Russet – its starchiness. Knowing the starch content of a potato can help you understand how to cook it to perfection and make the most of its taste and texture.

Importance of Starchiness in Potatoes

Starchiness matters because it influences how a potato behaves when cooked. Potatoes with high starch content tend to become fluffier, airier, and crumblier when heated, while low-starch potatoes hold their shape and stay firm.

But why does this happen, you ask? It’s all about the water and starch ratio. High-starch potatoes have less water and more starch, allowing for a drier, fluffier texture. On the other hand, low-starch potatoes have more water and less starch, resulting in a firmer and denser texture when cooked.

Burbank Russet: A High-Starch Potato

You’ve guessed it! The Burbank Russet is a high-starch potato, which makes it ideal for certain cooking methods. Its high starchiness not only provides a fluffy texture but also contributes to a deliciously crispy exterior when fried or baked.

Do you love those light, airy mashed potatoes or crispy french fries? Then you’ll definitely appreciate the high starch content of your beloved Burbank Russet.

Implications on Cooking Techniques

Now that you know the starchiness profile of the Burbank Russet potato, how do you cook it properly? As mentioned earlier, high-starch potatoes are great for achieving that desirable fluffiness and crispiness. How do you do that? Well, think about baking, frying, and boiling methods.

Here’s a quick tip: When boiling high-starch potatoes, it’s a good idea to start them in cold water rather than dropping them into boiling water. This ensures that the potatoes heat evenly, cook uniformly, and stay tender on the inside without overcooking on the outside.

Curious about which dishes your Burbank Russet potatoes are perfect for? Hang tight, because we’ll be diving into that topic shortly!

Cooking Uses

The Burbank Russet potato works wonders in a variety of dishes, thanks to its high-starch content. Let’s dive into the cooking methods that will bring out the best in this spud!

Best Cooking Methods for High-Starch Potatoes

The high starchiness of the Burbank Russet makes it an ideal candidate for certain cooking techniques. Here are three methods you’ll love to use when preparing this potato:

  1. Baking: The high-starch content in Burbank Russets allows for a crispy exterior and light, fluffy interior when baked. Just preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C), pierce the potato with a fork, rub it with olive oil, and season it with salt. Bake it directly on the oven rack for about 45 minutes to 1 hour, and voila! The perfect baked potato.
  2. Frying: Everyone loves a good French fry, right? The Burbank Russet is a fantastic option for fries because their high-starch content creates that desirable crispy exterior and fluffy interior. To make fries, first cut your potatoes into the desired shape. If you’re feeling fancy, go for curly or waffle-cut fries! Heat your oil to 350°F (175°C), fry the potatoes until golden brown, and sprinkle with salt. Your taste buds will thank you!
  3. Boiling: If you’re making mashed potatoes, the Burbank Russet is a dream come true. The starchiness makes it easy to whip up creamy, smooth mashed potatoes. Simply peel and cube the potatoes, boil them until tender, drain, then mash with your favorite ingredients like butter, milk, garlic, and chives. The high-starch content helps achieve that velvety-smooth texture we all know and love.

General Tips for Cooking Burbank Russet Potatoes

Before you set off on your potato-cooking adventure, here are a few tips to get the most out of your Burbank Russet potatoes:

  • When frying, make sure to dry the potatoes thoroughly before adding them to hot oil. Excess water on the potatoes can cause splattering and uneven cooking.
  • Experiment with seasonings to enhance the earthy flavor of the Burbank Russet. Options like rosemary, thyme, paprika, and even truffle salt can elevate your dish to new heights.
  • Keep your eye on the cooking time! This potato can quickly go from undercooked to overcooked, so always use a fork or knife to test for readiness. Adjust cooking times as needed for optimal results.

Now you’re well-equipped with the tools and knowledge to create mouthwatering dishes with this magnificent tuber. Enjoy the process and surprise your friends and family with your newfound potato prowess!

Example Dishes

Burbank Russet potatoes, being versatile and great for various cooking methods, are perfect for use in many delicious dishes. Here are some examples of tasty dishes you can whip up in your kitchen with this fantastic potato variety:

Mashed Potatoes

The high-starch content and creamy flesh of the Burbank Russet make it a golden choice for fluffy and smooth mashed potatoes. Simply boil the potatoes until tender, drain them, and mash them with butter, cream, and your choice of seasonings.

French Fries

Who doesn’t love crispy, golden French fries? Due to the high-starch content and less moisture, Burbank Russets create the perfect French fries that are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Cut the potatoes into even strips, fry them in hot oil, and season them with salt and your choice of spices.

Baked Potatoes

The size and shape of Burbank Russet potatoes make them ideal for baking. Preheat your oven, poke a few holes in the potatoes to let steam escape, and bake until tender. Once done, the skin will become crispy, and the inside will be soft, ready for you to add your favorite toppings like sour cream, chives, and cheese.

Potato Skins

The rough and textured skin of Burbank Russet potatoes is perfect for making delicious potato skins. Scoop out the cooked potato flesh, leaving a thin layer on the skin, then bake or fry with your desired toppings like cheese, bacon, and green onions. The result is a perfect crispy and satisfying snack or appetizer.

Scalloped Potatoes

When it comes to a creamy and cheesy side dish, you can’t go wrong with scalloped potatoes. Cut the Burbank Russet potatoes into thin slices, layer them in a baking dish with cream, butter, garlic, and cheese, then bake until golden and bubbly. A tasty addition to any meal!

Hash Browns

Want an excellent breakfast side dish? Try making hash browns with Burbank Russet potatoes! Simply grate the potatoes, squeeze out excess moisture, and fry them on a hot pan with some oil or butter until they are crispy and golden brown. Perfect to pair with your morning eggs and bacon.

Burbank Russet potatoes are a versatile and beloved potato variety that can be used in numerous delicious dishes. Get creative in your kitchen and try out these dishes or experiment with new recipes using this fantastic potato!

History of the Burbank Russet Potato

The Burbank Russet potato has an intriguing history that adds to its appeal, far beyond just being a versatile and delicious ingredient. Let’s take a journey back in time to uncover the origins of this beloved potato.


The Burbank Russet potato’s story begins with none other than Luther Burbank. An American horticulturist and botanist, Burbank was responsible for introducing over 800 new plant varieties, among which the Burbank Russet potato was one of his most famous and enduring creations.

Timeline of its development

  1. Initial creation by Luther Burbank: In the 1870s, Luther Burbank developed the Burbank Russet potato in his Massachusetts garden by crossbreeding various potato varieties. He aimed to create a potato with higher resistance to disease and an increased yield to help combat famine and starvation around the world. These goals drove Burbank’s experiments with potatoes, which ultimately led to the development of the Burbank Russet.
  2. Spread across the United States: After its initial creation, the Burbank Russet potato found its way across the country, where it became particularly popular due to its large size and versatility in cooking. It gained immense popularity, especially in the Pacific Northwest and Idaho, where the growing conditions turned out to be particularly suitable for the cultivation of this russet type.
  3. Role in the potato industry: Over the years, the Burbank Russet potato remained a favorite choice for both home cooks and professional chefs. Today, it accounts for over 70% of the potato acreage in the United States. The potato’s success also made Idaho famous for its potato production, becoming the number one state for potato growing in the country.

Challenges faced throughout its history

  1. Disease susceptibility: Despite Burbank’s initial goal of developing a disease-resistant potato, the Burbank Russet is still susceptible to various diseases. For instance, late blight, which caused the Great Irish Famine, can still affect the Burbank Russet. It’s essential for growers to monitor for signs of disease and take preventive measures to ensure a healthy, viable crop.
  2. Competition from other potato varieties: Over the years, the Burbank Russet potato has faced stiff competition from newer potato varieties that offer different colors, shapes, and flavors. However, the Burbank Russet remains a popular choice for growers and consumers, thanks to its versatility, taste, and storability.

Now that you know the fascinating history of the Burbank Russet potato, it’s time to discover more about how and where it’s grown, and how you can make the most of its unique characteristics when cooking.

Growing Location and Ideal Climate

Hey there, potato enthusiast! The growing location and ideal climate for your Burbank Russet potatoes are just as important as knowing how they taste and how to cook them. Let’s dive right into finding the perfect spot for these tasty tubers to thrive.

Ideal Growing Locations and Conditions

The Burbank Russet potato prefers well-drained, fertile soils, just like many other potato varieties. So, make sure you provide these spuds with the best possible environment by choosing a growing site with these conditions. As for their preferable growing locations, your Burbank Russets will feel right at home in the Pacific Northwest and Idaho where conditions have been proven to be ideal. But worry not if you don’t reside in these specific areas, these potatoes still have a few tricks up their, um, skin.

Adapting to Various Climates

Here’s where things get interesting. Unlike some potato varieties that are more particular about their climate, the mighty Burbank Russet potato showcases its versatility by adapting to different climates and thriving in various soil types. They are known to put up a good show even in warmer climates, so you might just be in luck.

Though they grow best in clearly-defined seasons with cool nights and warm days, they can still manage reasonably well in a variety of climate conditions. So, no matter where you are, there’s a good chance you can try your hand at growing these delicious potatoes.

Now that you know where and in which climate to grow your Burbank Russet potatoes, it’s time to learn how to cultivate them and store them properly, so you can enjoy their earthy flavor all year round!

How it’s Grown

Growing Burbank Russet potatoes can be enjoyable and rewarding, especially when you get to cook and eat the fruits of your labor! In this section, we’ll walk you through the process of planting, caring for, and harvesting these potatoes.

Planting from Seed Potatoes

To start growing Burbank Russet potatoes, you’ll need seed potatoes, which are small tubers specifically meant for planting. Ensure that the seed potatoes have at least 1 or 2 healthy “eyes” (buds) each since that’s where the growth will begin.

Typically, it’s best to plant Burbank Russet potatoes in the early spring, about 2 to 4 weeks before the last expected frost. Prepare your planting area with well-drained, fertile soil, and add compost or organic matter to enrich the soil if needed.

Dig a trench about 4 inches deep and place the seed potatoes 8 to 12 inches apart in the trench with the eyes pointing upward. Then, cover them with soil and lightly pat it down.

Time of Year for Planting and Ongoing Care

As mentioned earlier, Burbank Russet potatoes do well when planted in early spring. The ongoing care after planting involves:

  1. Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Make sure to water deeply, especially during the tuber formation stage, which usually occurs about 4 to 6 weeks after planting.
  2. Hilling: As the potato plants grow, pile more soil around the base of the plants. This process, called hilling, helps to prevent sunlight from reaching the growing tubers and turning them green.
  3. Weeding: Keep the area around your potato plants free of weeds—they compete for nutrients and can harm the growth of your potatoes.
  4. Pest and Disease Control: Monitor the crop for any pests or diseases that might cause damage, such as potato beetles, blight, or scab. Implement proper control techniques early if you notice any problems.

Harvesting Process

Burbank Russet potatoes generally take about 90 to 120 days to reach maturity. To know when it’s time to harvest, pay attention to the plant’s life cycle. Once the leaves begin to turn yellow and wither, it’s almost harvesting time.

You can start by carefully digging up a single plant to check the size and maturity of the potatoes. If they’re ready, use a garden fork or your hands to gently dig up the tubers, taking care not to damage them.

Be sure to harvest your potatoes on a sunny day to let them dry out for a few hours before storing them. This will help avoid mold and rot during storage.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to growing your very own Burbank Russet potatoes—perfect for all those delicious and satisfying potato dishes you love!

Storage Recommendations

Proper storage is essential to ensure the longevity and quality of your Burbank Russet potatoes. By following these easy tips, you can enjoy these delicious potatoes for an extended period of time.

Cool, Dark Place

Burbank Russet potatoes should be stored in a cool, dark place. This means keeping them away from direct sunlight, which can cause the potatoes to sprout and turn green. Ideal temperatures for storage are between 45-50°F (7-10°C). Avoid storing them in the refrigerator, as temperatures below 40°F (4°C) can cause the potatoes’ starch to convert to sugar, affecting their taste and texture.

Proper Ventilation

Ensure appropriate airflow while storing potatoes to prevent the build-up of moisture, which can lead to rotting. Using a storage container with proper ventilation, such as a mesh bag or a basket, is ideal. Do not store potatoes in airtight plastic bags, as this can cause suffocation and create an environment conducive to mold growth.

Avoiding Humidity and Moisture

Potatoes should be kept away from damp places. High humidity can cause them to rot quickly. Also, avoid washing potatoes before storing them. While it may be tempting to clean them off before putting them away, the added moisture can also lead to premature rotting. Instead, brush off any excess dirt and store them as-is, washing just before use.

By following these simple storage recommendations, your Burbank Russet potatoes can stay fresh, delicious, and ready for your next culinary creation!

Nutritional Information and Health Benefits

When it comes to eating healthy, Burbank Russet potatoes definitely have a place at the table. Not only are they delicious and versatile, but they also offer an array of nutritional benefits. Let’s dive into the nutritional content of these potatoes and the many ways they can contribute to better health.

Nutritional Content

A medium-sized Burbank Russet potato (approximately 173g) provides a good balance of essential nutrients. Here’s a quick breakdown of the nutritional content of a typical serving:

  • Calories: 164 kcal
  • Protein: 4.5g
  • Carbohydrates: 37g
  • Fiber: 4g
  • Sugars: 1.9g
  • Fat: 0.2g
  • Potassium: 897mg
  • Vitamin C: 19.7mg
  • Magnesium: 48mg
  • Phosphorus: 121mg
  • Folate: 38mcg

Health Benefits

Burbank Russet potatoes pack a nutritional punch that can provide you with various health benefits:

  1. High in Potassium: Potassium is an essential mineral that helps regulate blood pressure, balance fluids in the body, support proper muscle and nerve function, and reduce the risk of kidney stones. Burbank Russet potatoes are an excellent source of potassium, with one medium potato providing almost 20% of the recommended daily value.
  2. Good Source of Fiber: The fiber content in Burbank Russet potatoes can aid in digestion, help maintain a healthy weight, and lower cholesterol levels. Consuming whole potatoes with the skin on is a great way to increase your fiber intake, so don’t be shy about enjoying that delicious crispy skin!
  3. Rich in Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a powerhouse antioxidant that plays a crucial role in immune system support, healthy skin, and wound healing. One medium-sized Burbank Russet potato can provide about 22% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C.
  4. Satiating and Fueling: The complex carbohydrates in Burbank Russet potatoes provide a steady source of energy to keep you going throughout your day. Combined with their fiber content, these potatoes can leave you feeling full and satisfied, making them an excellent choice for those watching their weight or maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

In conclusion, the Burbank Russet potato offers an impressive nutritional profile that can contribute to better health. Incorporate these potatoes into your meals for a delicious and nutritious addition to your diet. Just remember, moderation is key, and be mindful of the cooking methods and toppings you choose to keep your potato dishes healthy and enjoyable.


In summary, the Burbank Russet potato is a versatile and popular high-starch potato that boasts a variety of culinary uses and adaptable growing conditions. With its distinct appearance and flavor profile, this potato brings delicious earthy and nutty flavors to your dishes.

As we’ve explored, the Burbank Russet is not just an excellent choice for bakers and chefs, but also a fascinating potato for aspiring gardeners. Its rich history, dating back to Luther Burbank’s initial creation, makes it an iconic American variety. Growing, cooking, and experimenting with the Burbank Russet in your dishes can create fantastic meals that are both nutritious and satisfying.

So go ahead, plant some Burbank Russet potatoes in your garden, or pick up a bag at your local grocery store!

And most importantly, enjoy the delectable goodness that this extraordinary potato has to offer. Happy cooking, fellow potato enthusiasts!

Image Credit: Steve Caruso