Tater tots on a sheet pan in an oven

Hey there, potato lovers! Have you ever wondered what makes the perfect, crispy tater tots that we all love snacking on? The secret is choosing the right type of potatoes. After all, not every potato is created equal, and some varieties are definitely better suited for making scrumptious tater tots. In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating world of potatoes and why certain varieties shine when it comes to creating the best tater tots.

Before we dive into the star ingredient, let’s talk about the birth of tater tots. This addictive snack was created back in the 1950s by the Ore-Ida company as a clever way to use up the leftover small bits of potatoes. Tater tots, short for “potato toddlers”, have since become a popular snack and side dish worldwide, loved by both kids and adults alike.

So, in our quest for the best tater tots, it’s essential to identify the ideal potatoes for the job. Factors such as starch content, texture, and flavor all play a role in determining which potatoes will make those mouth-watering tater tots we can’t resist. Now, let’s delve into the potato universe and uncover the secrets to perfect tater tots!

Types of Potatoes

There’s a whole world of potatoes out there, which can make the task of finding the right ones for your tater tots quite daunting. But fear not, fellow potato lover, because we’re about to embark on a journey exploring different types of potatoes and honing in on the best potatoes for those crispy, golden tater tots we all love!

Description of various potato varieties

Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) come in various shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors. Did you know that there are over 4,000 potato varieties, and more than 100 are grown worldwide? That’s a lot of potatoes for all those potato recipes! Some popular potato varieties include:

  • Russet
  • Idaho
  • Yukon Gold
  • Red-skinned
  • Fingerling
  • Purple or Blue
  • White-skinned

Classification based on the color, shape, size, and texture

As we explore the realm of potatoes, let’s break down their characteristics by color, shape, size, and texture:

  1. Color: Potatoes can be found in a variety of colors, such as
  • Brown or russet: Like Russet Burbank, famous for their fluffy insides and perfect for baking or frying
  • Yellow or gold: Like Yukon Gold, known for their delicious, buttery taste
  • Red: Like Red Pontiac, an excellent variety for boiling or mashing
  • Purple or blue: Like Purple Peruvian, rich in antioxidants and great for roasting
  • White: Like Superior, ideal for boiling, pan-frying, or making potato salads
  1. Shape: Potatoes range from round, oblong, to unique finger-like shapes. The shape does matter when selecting a potato variety for some specific dishes.
  2. Size: Potatoes vary in size from small, medium, large, and even extra-large. For tater tots, medium-sized potatoes are ideal because they provide a good yield and easier handling.
  3. Texture: When considering the texture of potatoes, there are two main categories: starchy (high-starch) and waxy (low-starch). The distinction in texture vastly affects the finished product’s cooking behavior and taste.

As you can already tell, picking the right potato for your tater tots depends on a variety of factors. Up next, let’s delve deeper into starchy vs. waxy potatoes and discover which category is best suited for making delicious tater tots!

Starchy vs. Waxy Potatoes

Before we dive into the best potatoes for tater tots, it’s important to understand the differences between starchy and waxy potatoes. These two categories play a significant role in the final outcome of your dish, especially when it comes to texture and cooking behavior.

Differences between starchy and waxy potatoes

  1. Texture and flavor: Starchy potatoes have a high starch content, which leads to a fluffy, light, and absorbent texture when cooked. They are perfect for soaking up flavors and have a mild, earthy taste. On the other hand, waxy potatoes have a low starch content, resulting in a creamy, firm, and moist texture when cooked. They hold their shape well and have a rich, buttery taste.
  2. Cooking behavior: Starchy potatoes are ideal for dishes that require a potato to break down and become tender, like baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, or tater tots. They are also perfect for fried dishes as they crisp up beautifully when fried. In contrast, waxy potatoes are best suited for dishes where the potato should retain its shape, like potato salads, gratins, or scalloped potatoes.

Starchy potatoes explained

  1. High-starch percentage: The high starch content in starchy potatoes makes them ideal for tater tots for a few reasons. First, the starch absorbs moisture and helps the potatoes become crispy on the outside while staying soft on the inside. Second, the starch also acts as a natural binder, making it easier to shape the tater tots without the need for additional ingredients.
  2. Best potato varieties for tater tots: When it comes to tater tots, some starchy potatoes stand out as the best options. Here are a few excellent choices:
  • Russet potatoes: These potatoes are the gold standard for tater tots. Their high starch content and low moisture make for the ideal balance, resulting in crispy, fluffy tater tots.
  • Idaho potatoes: Also high in starch and low in moisture, Idaho potatoes are another great choice for delicious tater tots. They have a slightly denser texture than russets, but still crisp up nicely when fried.
  • Yukon Gold potatoes: These potatoes are not as starchy as russets or Idaho potatoes, but they still work well for tater tots. They have a naturally buttery flavor that adds a delicious richness to your tater tots.

Waxy potatoes explained

  1. Low-starch percentage: Waxy potatoes, with their low starch content, are not the best candidates for tater tots. They have a firmer texture, which makes it difficult to achieve that desired crispiness on the outside and fluffiness on the inside.
  2. Why they are not suitable for tater tots: Simply put, waxy potatoes lack the necessary starch to create the perfect tater tot texture. They will not break down and become tender like starchy potatoes, leading to tater tots that are hard to shape, may fall apart during frying, and will have a dense, unappealing texture.

With this understanding of starchy and waxy potatoes, it’s clear that starchy potatoes are the best choice for making perfect tater tots. Their high starch content ensures a crispy exterior and a soft, fluffy interior – exactly what you want in a tasty tater tot!

Characteristics of the Perfect Tater Tot

We all love biting into a perfect tater tot, don’t we? But what makes it so perfect? Let’s dig into the essential characteristics that make a tater tot truly irresistible.

Crispy exterior

Everybody loves a crispy, golden brown outer layer on their tater tots. It’s part of the eating experience, hearing that satisfying crunch as you bite into a tater tot. To achieve that perfect crispiness, it’s essential to use high-starch potatoes and an optimal cooking technique (we’ll cover that later).

Soft, moist interior

A tater tot isn’t just about its exterior. A delicious tot has a soft, fluffy, and slightly moist center that melts in your mouth. The key to attaining this perfect balance of textures is to use starchy potatoes, since their high starch content helps create that creamy and smooth interior.

Well seasoned

No one wants a bland tater tot! Seasoning your tater tots well with salt, pepper, and any other spices of your choice is crucial to bringing out their delicious, potatoey goodness. You can experiment with different spices, like paprika, garlic powder, or onion powder, to create unique flavor combinations.

No oiliness or sogginess

There’s nothing worse than a greasy, soggy tater tot that leaves your fingers covered in oil. To avoid this, make sure you cook your tater tots at the right temperature (whether deep-frying, baking, or air-frying) and drain them well on paper towels after cooking. It’s also crucial to avoid overloading your cooking method of choice with too many tots at once, as this can cause the oil temperature to drop and result in a less-than-optimal texture.

The role played by high-starch potatoes

As mentioned earlier, high-starch potatoes are the key to achieving all these delightful characteristics in your tater tots. Starchy potatoes not only lend themselves well to the perfect texture, but they also absorb seasonings more effectively, ensuring each tater tot is packed with flavor. So, now that you know the secret to making perfect tater tots, it’s time to get cooking and impress your friends and family with your potato prowess!

Preparing Potatoes for Tater Tots

Now that you’re well-versed in the best potatoes to use for tater tots, it’s time to learn how to prepare them. Following these simple steps will ensure you get the best results possible, turning those high-starch potatoes into tasty tater tots your entire family will love!

Selection and storage of potatoes

First and foremost, make sure you select high-quality potatoes. Look for firm and smooth Russet, Idaho or Yukon Gold potatoes without any bruises or sprouts. When storing your potatoes, keep them in a cool, dark, and well-ventilated place. Remember, proper storage can prevent early sprouting and keep them fresh longer.

Washing and peeling the potatoes

Even though you’ll be peeling your potatoes, it’s essential to give them a thorough wash first, as dirt and contaminants can spread during the peeling process. Use a vegetable brush, if you have one, to ensure you get rid of all that dirt. After washing, go ahead and peel the potatoes using a sharp peeler or a paring knife. Once peeled, keep them submerged in cold water to prevent discoloration from oxidation.

Parboiling the potatoes

Parboiling the potatoes is a crucial step in preparing them for tater tots. Parboiling helps reduce the cooking time, ensuring an even cook and that soft, moist interior we all crave.

To parboil your potatoes, follow these simple steps:

  1. Fill a pot with water, enough to cover your potatoes completely.
  2. Add a pinch of salt to the water and bring it to a boil.
  3. Gently add the potatoes to the boiling water, being careful not to splash.
  4. Boil the potatoes for 3-4 minutes – you want them to be partially cooked but not fully tender.
  5. Drain the potatoes and set them aside to cool. Cooling them completely will make the grating process easier, and the potatoes will be less likely to fall apart.

Grating, shaping, and freezing

Once your potatoes are cooled, it’s time to get them ready for shaping. Use a box grater or a food processor with a grating attachment to grate the potatoes into small, uniform shreds. If you notice excess moisture, press the grated potatoes between paper towels or use a clean kitchen cloth to remove the excess moisture. This helps in achieving that crispy exterior.

Now comes the fun part – shaping your tater tots! Use your hands to form the grated potatoes into small, cylindrical shapes or any shape you desire. Keep in mind that the size and shape should be reasonably uniform for even cooking.

Finally, place your shaped tater tots on a parchment-lined baking sheet, ensuring they aren’t touching to prevent sticking. Pop the tray into the freezer for at least an hour. Freezing them before frying helps them hold their shape and maintain their irresistible texture.

Now you’re all set to cook your tater tots using your preferred method, be it deep-frying, baking, or air-frying! Enjoy the satisfaction of your perfectly prepared, homemade tater tots!

Cooking Techniques for Perfect Tater Tots

You’ve got the best potatoes and you’re ready to create some delicious tater tots. Now it’s time to discuss how you cook these little bites of joy! There are three main ways to cook tater tots: deep-frying, baking, and air-frying. Each method has its own benefits and drawbacks. Let’s explore each technique so you can choose the best one for your tater tot adventure!


Deep-frying is the classic method for cooking tater tots, as it results in that mouth-watering crispy exterior and soft, tender interior. To deep-fry tater tots, follow these steps:

  1. Temperature setting: Heat your oil to about 375°F (190°C). It’s essential to maintain a consistent temperature so the tater tots cook evenly and don’t become too oily or soggy.
  2. Oil choices: Use a high smoke point, neutral-flavored oil like canola, vegetable, or peanut oil. These oils can handle the high temperatures without breaking down and imparting an off-taste to your tater tots.
  3. Cooking time: Fry the tater tots for 3-4 minutes, or until they are golden brown and crispy. Be sure not to overcrowd the pan, as this will cause the temperature to drop and make the tater tots absorb more oil.
  4. Draining excess oil: Once the tater tots are done, use a slotted spoon or a spider strainer to remove them from the oil. Place them on a paper towel-lined plate or a cooling rack to drain extra oil before serving.


Baking tater tots is a healthier alternative to deep-frying, as it requires less oil. However, it may not deliver the same crispiness. To bake your tater tots, follow these steps:

  1. Pros and cons of baking tater tots: Baked tater tots can be a healthier option, but they may lack the same level of crispiness as their deep-fried counterparts. If you prefer a lighter, less oily snack, baking is an excellent alternative.
  2. Oven temperature setting: Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C).
  3. Baking time: Bake the tater tots for 20-25 minutes, turning them over halfway through to ensure even browning.
  4. Achieving crispiness in baked tater tots: To enhance the crispiness of baked tater tots, try coating them lightly with oil or cooking spray before popping them in the oven. This should result in a texture that’s closer to deep-fried tater tots.


Air-frying has become a popular cooking method in recent years, as it provides the crispiness of deep-frying with less oil. Here’s what you need to know about air-frying tater tots:

  1. An overview of air-fryers: Air-fryers work by circulating hot air around the food, cooking it evenly and providing a crispy finish similar to deep-frying. They’re a great option for those who want a healthier cooking method without sacrificing too much on texture.
  2. Pros and cons of air-frying: Air-frying generally requires less oil and can produce very crispy tater tots. However, air-fryers can be more expensive than other cooking appliances, and the cooking capacity may be limited due to their relatively small size.
  3. Temperature setting: Preheat your air-fryer to 400°F (200°C).
  4. Cooking time: Air-fry the tater tots for 10-15 minutes, shaking the basket halfway through to ensure even cooking.
  5. Amount of oil required: For air-fried tater tots, you’ll only need about a tablespoon of oil or a light spritz of cooking spray. This makes them a healthier alternative to deep-fried tater tots while still maintaining a satisfying crunch.

Now that you’re equipped with the essential cooking techniques, it’s time for you to get in the kitchen and whip up some fantastic tater tots! Just remember to choose the right potatoes and use the best method for your preferences. Happy cooking, and enjoy your delicious, crispy tater tots!

Simple Tater Tot Recipes

Who doesn’t love popping a warm, delicious tater tot in their mouth? Be adventurous and try some of these simple tater tot recipes that elevate this versatile snack to a whole new level. I’m going to share five incredible recipes that are not only easy to prepare but also will have your taste buds singing with joy!

Classic Tater Tots

Ingredients: – 2 pounds Russet potatoes, peeled and parboiled – 1 teaspoon salt – ½ teaspoon onion powder – ¼ teaspoon black pepper – ¼ cup all-purpose flour – Oil for frying


  1. Grate the parboiled potatoes and mix them in a bowl with salt, onion powder, black pepper, and flour.
  2. Shape the potato mixture into small tots and line them up on a baking sheet.
  3. Freeze the tots for at least 30 minutes to solidify the shape and texture.
  4. Heat oil in a deep fryer or heavy-bottomed pot to 375°F (190°C).
  5. Deep-fry the tots in batches until golden brown and crispy, about 3-4 minutes.
  6. Remove the tots using a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels.
  7. Serve immediately with your favorite dipping sauces!

Tater Tots with Cheese

Add a gooey, cheesy twist to your classic tots! You can use Cheddar, mozzarella, or any other cheese that you fancy.

Follow the instructions for the classic tater tots, but before shaping the tots, add 1 cup of shredded cheese to the potato mixture.

Tater Tots with Bacon

Bacon and potatoes are a match made in heaven! Get that smoky flavor with every bite by incorporating bacon bits within your tots.

Follow the instructions for the classic tater tots, but add ½ cup of cooked, crumbled bacon to the potato mixture.

Sweet Potato Tater Tots

Looking to switch it up a bit? Try these sweet potato tater tots! The subtle sweetness blended with the savory seasonings creates a delightful taste sensation.

Replace the Russet potatoes with an equal amount of sweet potatoes and follow the instructions for the classic tater tots.

Gluten-Free Tater Tots

For those with gluten sensitivities or following a gluten-free diet, you can still enjoy tater tots without missing out!

Swap the all-purpose flour with ¼ cup of gluten-free flour blend and follow the instructions for the classic tater tots.

Bon appétit! Get ready to impress your friends and family with these scrumptious tater tot recipes. Whether you’re a fan of classic tater tots, love the cheesy goodness, or prefer gluten-free options, these recipes are sure to satisfy your cravings!

Serving Suggestions and Dips

Now that you’ve got the perfect tater tots, let’s talk about how to serve them and what to serve them with. Tater tots can be enjoyed as a standalone appetizer, a finger food for parties or game day, or as a side dish that complements a variety of main courses. The great thing about tater tots is how versatile they are – they taste delicious alongside a juicy burger, paired with a grilled chicken sandwich, or even served next to scrambled eggs for a fun breakfast twist!

Serving Tater Tots as a Snack or Side Dish

When serving tater tots as a snack, consider placing them in small paper cones or mini baskets to make them more convenient and fun to eat. For a game day gathering, you might want to set up a tater tot bar where your guests can dress up their tots with an array of mouth-watering toppings like cheese, bacon bits, chili, green onions, and sour cream.

When using tater tots as a side dish, plate them in a way that complements the main course visually. For example, you could arrange the tater tots around a beautifully cooked piece of fish or steak, or stack them next to a leafy green salad.

Popular Dips and Condiments

What’s a tater tot without a delicious dip to dunk it in? Here are some popular dips and condiments that’ll have your taste buds dancing with joy:

  1. Ketchup: A classic choice that never goes out of style. There’s a reason ketchup and potatoes are best friends!
  2. Ranch dressing: Creamy, zesty, and a true crowd-pleaser. Ranch dressing adds just the right touch of tang to your crispy tater tots.
  3. Mayonnaise: Simple yet satisfying, a dollop of mayo pairs well with those crunchy morsels, especially when served with some flavorful seasonings like garlic, paprika, or lemon zest.
  4. Honey mustard sauce: A delightful blend of sweet and tangy that adds a whole new dimension to your tater tot experience. Mix equal parts honey, mustard, and mayonnaise to make this dipping sauce.
  5. Cheese sauce: If your tater tots don’t already include cheese, drizzle some warm cheese sauce over them for a comforting, gooey treat. Try using different types of cheeses to find your favorite combination.
  6. Spicy aioli: Add some heat to your tater tots with a homemade spicy aioli. Combine mayonnaise, minced garlic, paprika or cayenne pepper, and a splash of lemon juice for a dip that packs a punch.

Remember that part of the fun with tater tots is experimenting! So don’t be afraid to mix things up and try new dips and toppings to make your tater tot creations truly unforgettable. Happy dunking!


And there you have it, my fellow potato enthusiasts! Picking the right potatoes for your tater tots is crucial in achieving that perfect balance of a crispy exterior and soft, moist interior. Remember, high-starch potatoes like Russet, Idaho, and Yukon Gold are your best bets for outstanding tater tots.

Tater tots are surely a versatile snack loved by people of all ages, and they’re perfect for any occasion – be it a game night or a simple family dinner. So, don’t hesitate to put your newfound knowledge to good use and explore the world of potatoes for your next tater tot culinary adventure!

Moreover, don’t forget that you can always put your personal twist on tater tots. Play around with different toppings, dips, and cooking techniques, and find what suits your taste buds the best. Maybe it’s a fully-loaded platter of tater tots or some delightful gluten-free bites. The possibilities are endless!

At the end of the day, remember that cooking is all about having fun and experimenting. So, go ahead and put on your apron, grab those high-starch potatoes, and start whipping up a batch of delicious, golden, and irresistibly crispy tater tots. Happy cooking!

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons