What are the best potatoes for boiling?

Hey there potato lovers! If you’re anything like me, you know just how versatile and delicious potatoes can be. They can be roasted, baked, fried, mashed, and even grilled. However, one of the best ways to cook potatoes is by steaming them. Not only does steaming help to preserve the flavor and nutrients of the potatoes, but it also results in a soft and luscious texture that is hard to resist.

In this article, we’ll be taking a deep dive into the world of steamed potatoes. We’ll explore the different types of potatoes that are best for steaming, the nutritional benefits of these tubers, and some tips on how to perfectly steam potatoes every time. Along the way, we’ll also share some delicious recipes that use steamed potatoes as a base. From classic potato salad to crispy roasted potatoes, you’ll get to experiment with different flavors and textures that will take your potato game to the next level. So let’s put on our chef hats and get ready to steam some spuds!

Different Types of Potatoes

Now, let’s talk about the different types of potatoes that are ideal for steaming. There are various kinds of potatoes available in the market, such as red, yellow, white, and russet potatoes. Each type of potato possesses its unique characteristics that make it better than others for specific cooking methods.

First up, we have white potatoes. These potatoes are starchier than waxy potatoes, making them not the best option for steaming. They are commonly used for baking, frying, and mashing.

Russet potatoes, also known as Idaho potatoes, are also not the best pick for steaming. They have a high starch content, which makes them ideal for baking and frying as they turn crispy on the outside while being fluffy on the inside.

Now, let’s discuss waxy potatoes— these potatoes, such as red and yellow potatoes, are perfect for steaming. They have a low starch content, meaning that they hold their shape well when being cooked. Red potatoes have a mild, slightly sweet flavor, and their skin is thin, making them ideal for dishes where you want to keep the skin on, such as potato salad. Yellow potatoes have a rich, buttery flavor that makes them ideal for mashed potato or potato gratin dishes.

In addition to that, fingerling potatoes are petite and elongated potatoes with a thin, delicate skin. These potatoes are low in starch and ideal for steaming, roasting, or boiling. You might see them used often in salads or scalloped potato dishes.

Overall, waxy potatoes are the best option for steaming because they don’t lose shape and texture when cooked. They give perfect results when steamed, be it for a salad, a side dish, or a main course.

Nutritional Benefits of Potatoes

Let’s talk about the nutritional benefits of potatoes. Did you know that potatoes are a great source of vitamins and minerals? They’re high in vitamin C, which helps to boost your immune system, and they’re also a good source of potassium which supports your heart health. Potatoes are also rich in fiber, which helps to keep your digestive system healthy and can aid in weight loss.

Now, when it comes to cooking potatoes, did you know that steaming them can help to retain these nutrients better than boiling them in water? This is because boiling potatoes in water can cause some of the nutrients to leach out into the water. Steaming the potatoes helps to preserve the vitamins and minerals, ensuring that you get the most nutritional benefits from them.

But not all potatoes are created equal when it comes to nutritional value. Some types of potatoes, such as sweet potatoes and purple potatoes, are packed with even more vitamins and minerals than regular potatoes. Sweet potatoes, for example, are rich in beta-carotene, which can help to protect your skin and eyesight. And purple potatoes contain anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants that may help to reduce inflammation in the body.

So, the next time you’re considering what type of potatoes to include in your meal, think about the nutritional benefits you’re looking for. If you’re aiming for a high fiber intake, regular potatoes will do the trick. If you’re looking to boost your vitamin and mineral intake, switch it up with sweet potatoes or purple potatoes.

Overall, potatoes are a great addition to a healthy and balanced diet, and steaming them is a great way to ensure you’re getting all the nutritional benefits they have to offer.

Preparation Tips for Steaming Potatoes

Alright, before you get steaming, let’s discuss some potato-prepping tips that will really enhance your potato experience. After all, there’s nothing worse than “flawlessly” cooked potatoes, with grainy texture, and uneven seasoning.

To start with, always ensure that you wash and scrub your potatoes thoroughly to rid them of any dirt and grit. As for cutting them into even-sized pieces, do not just cut them haphazardly because this may result in uneven cooking.

A tip for you is to cut them similarly-sized, about 1-inch in diameter or smaller, and ideally, keep them the same size to avoid under- or overcooking. You can either peel your potatoes, or leave the skin on depending on how you like your potatoes for your recipe.

Now, when it comes to seasoning your potatoes, it’s always a good idea to infuse them with some flavors before steaming. One easy and tasty way to achieve this is to add some herbs and garlic to the potatoes before steaming.

Some fantastic herbs that work superbly with potatoes are rosemary, thyme, chives, and parsley. The garlic, however, will add a warm, sweet flavor that goes perfectly with potatoes. Alternatively, you could add some butter or olive oil to finish off the potatoes once they’re cooked.

Another tip that can give your potatoes an added pizzazz is to add some salt to the water when you’re steaming them. Doing this helps to bring out the potatoes’ natural flavor and also makes them a lot tastier.

In a nutshell, if you’re looking to make the most of your steamed potatoes, then you should ensure to wash them thoroughly, cut them into even pieces, season them well, and if possible, cook them with salted water. By following these simple tips, you’re guaranteed perfectly steamed, flavorful potatoes every time.

Popular Recipes That Use Steamed Potatoes

If you’re anything like us, you can never have too many potato recipes in your kitchen arsenal. Fortunately, steamed potatoes are a great base for many classic recipes, and can be easily adapted to add your own unique spin.

Here are a few of our favorite recipes that use steamed potatoes:

  1. Potato Salad: A classic summer side dish, potato salad is a crowd-pleaser at barbecues and picnics. To make it, simply combine steamed potatoes with chopped hard-boiled eggs, diced celery and onion, and a creamy mayo-based dressing. Add some fresh herbs like dill or parsley for an extra burst of flavor.
  2. Mashed Potatoes: Steaming potatoes for mashed potatoes is a great way to ensure they stay fluffy and light. Simply peel and steam the potatoes until fork-tender, then mash with plenty of butter and milk until you reach your desired consistency. Add garlic, herbs, sour cream or cheese to mix things up.
  3. Roasted Potatoes: Steaming potatoes before you roast them can help speed up the cooking process and make them more tender. Cut the steamed potatoes into bite-sized pieces and toss with some olive oil, garlic, rosemary and salt. Bake in the oven until golden and crispy.
  4. Home Fries: Home fries are a delicious breakfast staple that are easy to make with leftover steamed potatoes. Simply slice the steamed potatoes into rounds or cubes and sauté with onions, peppers, and your favorite seasonings. Serve hot with eggs and bacon for a hearty morning meal.

These are just a few of the many recipes that use steamed potatoes as their base. Experiment with different spices, herbs and sauces to create unique flavor combinations that are sure to impress. Whether you’re serving them as an easy side dish or incorporating them into a more elaborate meal, steamed potatoes are a versatile ingredient that you’ll always want to have on hand.


Great job! You’ve learned all about the best potatoes for steaming, their nutritional benefits, how to prepare them, and some delicious recipe ideas. Here are the main takeaways:

– For the best results, choose waxy potatoes such as red or yellow as they hold their shape well when steamed.

– Steaming potatoes is a fantastic way to retain their nutritional benefits, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

– Before steaming, be sure to wash and cut your potatoes into similar-sized pieces for even cooking.

– Try seasoning your steamed potatoes with herbs, garlic, or butter to enhance their flavor.

– Finally, experiment with different recipes, such as potato salad or mashed potatoes, to find your favorite way to enjoy steamed potatoes.

So why not try steaming some potatoes for your next meal? Who knows, you might just find your new favorite way to cook these versatile little veggies!