Shepherd's pie with beans and french fries

Hello, potato lovers! Today, we’re going to dive into the delicious world of shepherd’s pie and discuss the very heart of the dish – potatoes. A scrumptious, comfort-food classic with its origins in the UK, shepherd’s pie has become a staple in many households around the world. With its rich, hearty meat filling and creamy, delectable potato topping, it’s the perfect dish to warm you up and leave you feeling satisfied.

In this article, we’ll explore the best potatoes to use in your shepherd’s pie and the reasons behind those choices. As a potato expert and enthusiast, I want to share insights into how the right potatoes can elevate your shepherd’s pie from a good dish to a great one. I’ll guide you on a flavorful journey to help you create the perfect pie that your taste buds will crave.

Brief history of shepherd’s pie

To help provide some context, let’s first explore the origin and evolution of shepherd’s pie as a dish. Traditionally, this recipe was created as a way to use up leftover roasted meat from Sunday dinner. The meat would be minced or diced and combined with various vegetables, then topped with mashed potatoes and baked to form a pie. Over time, the recipe has been adapted and changed to accommodate different tastes and preferences, with variations that include vegetarian or sweet potato versions.

So without further ado, let’s get ready to learn more about the best potatoes for shepherd’s pie and how to create a dish that will have your friends and family raving!

Importance of Choosing the Right Potatoes

When preparing a delicious shepherd’s pie, getting the potato topping just right can make all the difference. The right potato choice can elevate the whole dish and make it truly mouthwatering. There are several reasons why choosing the appropriate potato for your shepherd’s pie is crucial.

Impact on Taste and Texture

Different potatoes have distinct flavors, ranging from earthy to sweet, and textures, varying from waxy to starchy. If you want to achieve the creamy, fluffy mashed potatoes that work best in the shepherd’s pie, a high-starch or medium-starch potato type is your best bet. For example, Russet potatoes are high in starch and low in moisture, which makes them ideal for that desired light and fluffy texture.

Suitability for Cooking Process

When making shepherd’s pie, you’ll be cooking the potatoes twice: first by boiling, and then by baking. It’s important to select a variety that can stand up to both procedures and maintain its structure. Waxy potatoes may not be the best choice, as they tend to retain their shape too well and won’t provide the desired creaminess when mashed.

Varieties in Starch and Moisture Content

As mentioned earlier, the starch and moisture content in potatoes have a significant impact on their final texture in shepherd’s pie. High-starch, low-moisture varieties will result in a fluffier and smoother mash, whereas waxy potatoes with more moisture will produce a denser, somewhat gummy finish. To get those picture-perfect, melt-in-your-mouth mashed potatoes, opt for drier, higher-starch potatoes, such as Russets or Yukon Golds.

In summary, choosing the right potato for your shepherd’s pie is an essential step in ensuring that your dish is impressively delicious. Being mindful of factors such as flavor, texture, and the potatoes’ ability to withstand the cooking process will significantly improve the final result, and have your guests asking for seconds! So, go ahead and pick up those high-starch potatoes, and start perfecting your shepherd’s pie skills.

Top Potatoes for Shepherd’s Pie

When it comes to creating the perfect shepherd’s pie, using the right type of potato can make all the difference. The goal is to create a rich and fluffy mashed potato topping that will complement the flavorful meat filling below. Let’s explore the top potatoes for shepherd’s pie and learn how their unique characteristics can elevate your dish.

Russet Potatoes

Russet potatoes, also known as Idaho potatoes, are a top choice among many cooks when preparing shepherd’s pie due to their high starch content and low moisture levels. Why is this important? It’s because these qualities result in the perfect fluffy texture that can soak up all the delicious flavors.

1. Starch Content and Texture

Russets have a high starch content, which allows them to cook up light and fluffy when mashed. This is especially important when creating a shepherd’s pie topping, as it ensures the mashed potatoes will stand up to the hearty meat filling.

2. Subtle and Earthy Flavor

Although Russet potatoes may not be the most flavorful of all potato varieties, their subtle earthy taste provides a great base for the additional flavors that you will be adding to your shepherd’s pie, such as butter, cream, and herbs.

3. Recipe Ideas and Tips for Using Russet Potatoes

When using Russet potatoes in your shepherd’s pie, make sure to fully cook them until they are soft and tender before mashing. Be careful not to overcook them, as it may cause them to become waterlogged. When mashing, use a potato masher, ricer, or food mill to create that desired fluffy texture.

Yukon Gold Potatoes

Yukon Gold potatoes are another fan-favorite for shepherd’s pie. With their medium starch content and naturally buttery taste, they add a delightful richness to the final dish.

1. Creamy Consistency

Yukon Gold potatoes have a creamy texture when mashed, thanks to their medium starch content. This not only provides a luxurious mouthfeel in your shepherd’s pie but also acts as a great way to hold the gravy from the meat filling.

2. Rich, Buttery Flavor

One of the standout qualities of Yukon Gold potatoes is their natural buttery flavor. This adds an extra layer of richness to your shepherd’s pie, without the need for too much additional butter or cream.

3. Recipe Ideas and Tips for Using Yukon Gold Potatoes

To make the most of Yukon Gold potatoes’ creamy consistency, be sure to cook them thoroughly before mashing. Once cooked, gently mash them with a potato masher or ricer for the best result. You might also consider adding just a touch of cream or milk to enhance their natural creaminess further.

Maris Piper Potatoes

For those across the pond in the UK, Maris Piper potatoes are a popular choice for shepherd’s pie. These versatile potatoes are suitable for mashing and a variety of other cooking methods, making them a great all-rounder.

1. Fluffy Texture and Balanced Flavor

Maris Piper potatoes have a slightly lower starch content compared to Russet potatoes, but they still create a gorgeously fluffy and creamy mash when cooked properly. Known for their well-balanced flavor, Maris Pipers create a delicious base for your shepherd’s pie topping.

2. Recipe Ideas and Tips for Using Maris Piper Potatoes

When cooking with Maris Piper potatoes, boil until they are tender but not falling apart. Drain well and allow any excess moisture to evaporate before mashing, ensuring an airy and delicious topping. Experiment with adding a bit of butter or cream to find the perfect level of richness for your personal taste.

Red-skinned Potatoes (alternative option)

If you’re in the mood for a more rustic, heartier shepherd’s pie, red-skinned potatoes can be an interesting alternative to the more traditional options mentioned above.

1. Waxy Texture and Robust Flavor

Red-skinned potatoes are known for their waxy texture, which can add a bit of chewiness to your shepherd’s pie if that’s your preference. Their slightly sweeter and more robust flavor can offer a pleasant contrast to the savory meat filling.

2. Recipe Ideas and Tips for Using Red-skinned Potatoes

Just like with the other potato varieties, be sure to cook red-skinned potatoes thoroughly before mashing them. Due to their waxy texture, they may require a bit more elbow grease to achieve a smooth consistency. You can also leave the skin on for added texture and an even more rustic appearance.

Now that you’re familiar with the best potatoes for shepherd’s pie, try experimenting with these different varieties to find your perfect match. Each type brings its unique qualities to the dish, and who knows – you might even find yourself creating a new, signature version of this classic dish.

Tips for Preparing and Cooking the Potatoes

In order to make the perfect shepherd’s pie with your chosen potato, it’s crucial to know how to properly prepare and cook them. No matter which potato variety you select, these tips will help you achieve a delicious and flavorful result!

Peeling and Dicing

Before boiling your potatoes, it’s important to peel and dice them evenly. This ensures that they cook more uniformly, providing a consistent texture throughout the mashed potatoes.

1. Strategy for even cooking: Cut your peeled potatoes into evenly sized pieces, about 1-1.5 inches (2.5-4cm) in size. Not only will this help in achieving a more homogeneous mashed topping, but it will also speed up the cooking process.

2. Safety tips when handling a peeler or knife: Remember to peel away from your body using a comfortable grip on the peeler. When using a knife, make sure to adopt the “claw” grip with your non-cutting hand to prevent any injuries.

Boiling and Cooking Time

Properly cooking your potatoes is essential for a great shepherd’s pie. Overcooked potatoes become too watery, while undercooked ones may result in a lumpy mash.

1. How to tell when the potatoes are cooked: The ideal cooking time for potatoes depends on the size of the pieces. Generally, it takes about 15-20 minutes of boiling in salted water. To check for doneness, use the tip of a sharp knife or a fork to pierce a piece of potato. If it slides off easily without resistance, your potatoes are ready.

2. Tips for preventing over or undercooked potatoes: Keep an eye on the clock and test the potatoes at regular intervals. It’s also a good idea to start with similarly sized pieces, so they cook uniformly.

Mashing Techniques

The technique you use to mash your potatoes can have a big impact on the final texture of your shepherd’s pie.

1. Tools (potato masher, ricer, or food mill): Choose the right tool for your preferred potato texture. A potato masher creates a more rustic mash but requires some strength. A ricer or food mill provides a smoother, creamier texture with less effort.

2. Incorporating air for maximum fluffiness: When mashing, use a light hand and don’t forget to whip or fold to incorporate some air into the mixture. This will create a lighter, fluffier topping for your shepherd’s pie.

3. Avoiding over-mashing and developing gluey potatoes: Overworking your potatoes is a common mistake that can result in a gluey mash. To prevent this, mash your potatoes just until they reach the desired consistency and avoid using a blender or food processor, as they can easily turn your potatoes into a sticky, unappetizing paste.

Adding Flavor and Creaminess

What’s a delicious shepherd’s pie without a creamy and flavorful mashed topping? Here are some additional ingredients to elevate your potatoes to the next level.

1. Butter, cream, and other dairy options: Adding a bit of butter, cream, or even sour cream will give your mashed potatoes a rich, creamy taste. You can adjust the amount to your personal preference, but keep in mind that moderation is key!

2. Alternative ingredients such as olive oil or chicken broth: For a dairy-free or lighter option, try using olive oil or chicken broth in place of butter and cream. They impart a different yet delicious flavor while ensuring a smooth, creamy consistency.

Experiment with these tips to create your dream shepherd’s pie with the best potatoes for your palate. Enjoy the process and happy cooking!

Shepherd’s Pie Recipes and Variations

Shepherd’s pie is such a versatile dish that can be easily customized to suit different tastes and dietary preferences. In this section, we’ll share some classic and creative recipes for you to try at home. So, let’s dive in and explore the world of shepherd’s pie variations!

Classic Shepherd’s Pie Recipe

Let’s start with a traditional shepherd’s pie recipe that features a delicious combination of ground meat, vegetables, and creamy mashed potatoes. This recipe highlights the use of Russet potatoes for that perfect fluffy topping.


  • 2 lbs Russet potatoes, peeled and cubed
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 large onion, diced
  • 2 carrots, peeled and diced
  • 2 lbs ground lamb or beef
  • 2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 cup frozen peas
  • 1 cup beef broth
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour


Step 1: Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C).

Step 2: In a large pot, add the cubed potatoes and cover them with cold water. Bring the water to a boil and cook the potatoes until they are fork-tender, about 15-20 minutes.

Step 3: Drain the potatoes and return them to the pot. Add the milk, butter, salt, and pepper, and mash until smooth and creamy.

Step 4: In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the diced onion and carrots, and cook until softened, about 5 minutes.

Step 5: Add the ground meat to the skillet and cook until browned, breaking it up into small pieces. Stir in the Worcestershire sauce and season with salt and pepper.

Step 6: Sprinkle the flour over the meat mixture and stir to combine. Gradually pour in the beef broth and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat and let it simmer for 5 minutes, or until the sauce has thickened. Stir in the frozen peas.

Step 7: Transfer the meat mixture to a greased oven-safe dish, and spread the mashed potatoes evenly over the top. Use a fork to create a textured surface on the potato layer.

Step 8: Bake the shepherd’s pie in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes, or until the potatoes are golden brown and the filling is bubbly.

Vegetarian Shepherd’s Pie

If you’re looking for a meat-free alternative, try this tasty vegetarian shepherd’s pie, which uses lentils and mushrooms to create a hearty and satisfying filling. Yukon Gold potatoes are ideal for this recipe due to their creamy consistency.


  • 2 lbs Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled and cubed
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter
  • 1/4 cup milk or vegetable broth
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 medium onion, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 8 oz mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 cups cooked green or brown lentils
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp tomato paste
  • 1 cup frozen mixed vegetables
  • 1 cup vegetable broth


Step 1: (Follow steps 2-3 from the classic recipe for preparing the Yukon Gold mashed potatoes.)

Step 2: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).

Step 3: Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic, and cook until softened, about 5 minutes.

Step 4: Add the mushrooms to the skillet and cook until they release their liquid and start to brown.

Step 5: Stir in the cooked lentils, soy sauce, and tomato paste. Cook for 2 minutes.

Step 6: Add the frozen mixed vegetables and vegetable broth, and let it simmer for about 10 minutes or until the liquid has reduced.

Step 7: Transfer the vegetable and lentil mixture to an oven-safe dish, and spread the mashed potatoes evenly over the top.

Step 8: Bake the vegetarian shepherd’s pie for 25-30 minutes or until the potatoes are golden and the filling is bubbling.

Sweet Potato Shepherd’s Pie

For a unique and nutritious twist, swap out the traditional potatoes for sweet potatoes in this delightful variation. Sweet potatoes add a touch of natural sweetness and vibrant color to the dish.


  • 2 lbs sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed
  • 1/4 cup unsalted butter
  • 1/4 cup milk or chicken broth
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 lb ground turkey
  • 1 medium onion, diced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tbsp chopped fresh rosemary
  • 1/4 cup tomato sauce
  • 1 cup frozen mixed vegetables
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


Step 1: (Follow steps 2-3 from the classic recipe for preparing the sweet potato mash.)

Step 2: Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).

Step 3: Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the ground turkey and cook until no longer pink, breaking it up into small pieces.

Step 4: Add the onion, garlic, and rosemary, and cook until the onion is softened, about 5 minutes.

Step 5: Stir in the tomato sauce and frozen vegetables. Cook for another 5 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld together. Season with salt and pepper.

Step 6: Transfer the turkey mixture to an oven-safe dish, and spread the sweet potato mash evenly over the top.

Step 7: Bake the sweet potato shepherd’s pie for 25-30 minutes or until the topping is lightly browned and the filling is bubbly.

Enjoy these delicious and diverse shepherd’s pie recipes, and don’t hesitate to experiment with your favorite ingredients and toppings to create your own unique version of this classic comfort food!


Well, we’ve certainly learned a lot about selecting the perfect potatoes for your shepherd’s pie! To recap, the top contenders for the ultimate shepherd’s pie experience are:

  • Russet potatoes for their high starch content, low moisture and subtle, earthy flavor
  • Yukon Gold potatoes for a creamy consistency and rich, buttery flavor
  • Maris Piper potatoes which are popular in the UK, offering a fluffy texture and good balance of flavor

And let’s not forget about red-skinned potatoes as a delicious alternative, adding a sweeter and more robust flavor to your dish.

But, as with all cooking, the best recommendation is to experiment and find your personal preference. Keep in mind the various factors we discussed, such as starch and moisture content, as well as flavor, and choose the potato that speaks to you (or perhaps, the ones that your local grocery store has in stock).

Feel free to get creative with your shepherd’s pie by trying out different potato types or even incorporating new flavors like garlic or cheese. And don’t forget about the delectable vegetarian options, such as lentils, mushrooms and even sweet potatoes for a delicious twist!

Now it’s time for you to get in the kitchen and master that shepherd’s pie! Don’t forget to share your favorite recipes and tips with friends, family, and fellow potato lovers. Happy cooking!

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