Best potatoes for scalloped potatoes

Hey there fellow potato lover, let’s talk about one of the most beloved potato dishes – scalloped potatoes. This gooey, cheesy, and creamy potato casserole is a staple for many holiday dinners and potlucks. But, have you ever tried making scalloped potatoes and they turned out too watery, mushy, or bland? Well, the secret to perfect scalloped potatoes is choosing the right type of potato! In this article, you’ll learn about the best potatoes for scalloped potatoes and why they are the right choice. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with all the knowledge you need to create the perfect scalloped potatoes that will have your taste buds singing. So, let’s get started!

Properties of Good Scalloped Potatoes

When it comes to making scalloped potatoes, there are certain properties that you want to achieve to make the dish perfect. These properties include creaminess, texture, flavor, and the ability of the potato to retain its shape.

Firstly, the creaminess of the scalloped potatoes is important to achieve a perfect consistency. The potatoes should be cooked until they are tender but still firm. If the potatoes are overcooked, they will become mushy and affect the creaminess of the dish.

Secondly, the texture of the scalloped potatoes should be just right. You don’t want the potatoes to be too hard or too soft. The texture should be firm yet tender, giving the dish a melt-in-your-mouth feel.

The flavor of the scalloped potatoes is also crucial. The potatoes should have a mild flavor that complements the other ingredients in the dish. The flavor of the potatoes should not overpower the entire dish, but rather enhance the dish’s overall flavor.

Lastly, the ability of the potato to retain its shape is essential when making scalloped potatoes. The potatoes should be sliced thinly and evenly so that they cook evenly. If the potatoes are too thin, they may disintegrate while cooking, resulting in a soupy dish. If the potatoes are too thick, they may not cook through and result in hard pieces in the dish.

Remember, achieving the perfect properties of scalloped potatoes is a constant process, and practice makes perfect. Keep trying and experimenting until you find the perfect combination that suits your taste buds.

Best Potatoes for Scalloped Potatoes

When it comes to choosing the best potatoes for scalloped potatoes, three main types come to mind: russet, Yukon Gold, and red potatoes.

Russet potatoes are the classic choice for scalloped potatoes. They have a mild, earthy flavor that pairs well with the creamy sauce. Additionally, russet potatoes have a high starch content which gives the scalloped potatoes a light and fluffy texture. However, working with russet potatoes can be tricky as they have a tendency to break down if overcooked, so it is important to monitor their cooking time.

Yukon Gold potatoes are also an excellent choice for scalloped potatoes. They have a buttery, nutty flavor that adds another layer of depth to the dish. Unlike russet potatoes, Yukon Gold potatoes have a lower starch content and hold their shape well while cooking, making them ideal for scalloped potatoes.

Red potatoes are less commonly used for scalloped potatoes, but they shouldn’t be overlooked. They have a slightly sweet and waxy texture that works well in creamy sauces. Red potatoes are firmer than russet potatoes and Yukon Gold potatoes, and thus provide a slightly different texture. They also have a high moisture content, which contributes to the overall creaminess of the dish.

All three types of potatoes can be used interchangeably in scalloped potato recipes. The choice you make will depend on your personal taste, the occasion, and the recipe you’re using. For instance, if you want a richer and creamier dish, you may choose to use russet potatoes. Whereas if you’re looking for a subtler flavor, you may want to use Yukon Gold potatoes. If you want to experiment, mix and match! Get creative with your potatoes and mix different types to get an exciting new take on this classic dish.

How to Choose Potatoes for Scalloped Potatoes

When choosing potatoes for scalloped potatoes, you need to consider a few things to ensure the best results. The key factors that must be examined are the recipe, texture, shape, and flavor.

First, take a look at the recipe you are using. If it specifies a certain type of potato, then use that. The recipe author has already experimented with different types and selected the one that works best for that specific recipe. If the recipe does not specify, then it’s up to you to choose.

Texture and shape are also important factors. Potatoes that have a fluffier texture, such as russet potatoes, tend to break down more easily when cooked, which can make them perfect for scalloped potatoes. However, potatoes that are firmer, such as those with waxy flesh like red potatoes, may retain their shape better but might lack the desired creaminess. Slicing the potatoes thinly and evenly is also an important consideration for even cooking.

Finally, consider the flavor of the potatoes. Some potatoes, like Yukon Gold, have a naturally buttery flavor that can add another dimension to the dish. Different varieties of potatoes also have differing levels of sweetness, earthiness, and nuttiness which can enhance the overall flavor of the dish.

Overall, to save yourself time trying each type of potato to determine which one works best, it’s best to follow the recipe. However, if you’d like to experiment, consider the texture, shape, and flavor of the potato. Ultimately, the “perfect” potato is usually the one that you enjoy eating and makes you happy.

How to Prepare Potatoes for Scalloped Potatoes

Now that you know the best potatoes for scalloped potatoes, it’s time to prepare them for baking! Here’s how:

  1. Wash Your Potatoes: Before you start peeling the potatoes, make sure you give them a good scrub and rinse. It’s important to remove any dirt or debris that they might have picked up while growing in the soil.
  2. Peel the Potatoes: Next, use a peeler or a sharp knife to peel the potatoes. You can leave the skin on if you prefer, but peeling them will give your scalloped potatoes a smoother texture.
  3. Slice the Potatoes: Once your potatoes are peeled, it’s time to slice them. You can do this by hand with a sharp knife, or you can use a mandoline slicer to cut them into thin, even slices. Make sure your slices are around 1/8 inch thick, as this will ensure that they cook evenly.

A quick tip – if you’re using russet potatoes, you can soak them in cold water for 30 minutes before slicing them. This will remove some of the starch and make them less likely to stick together in the baking dish.

Now that your potatoes are sliced and ready to go, you’re one step closer to amazing scalloped potatoes! Don’t forget to follow the recipe for the perfect sauce, cheese, and cooking time. With a little practice and experimentation, you’ll be making the best scalloped potatoes ever!

Tips for Cooking Scalloped Potatoes

You’re almost ready to start cooking! Here are some tips to help ensure that your scalloped potatoes come out perfectly.

  • Baking dish: Use a shallow baking dish that’s at least two inches deep so that the potatoes cook evenly. Avoid using a dish that’s too deep or too small as it may result in uneven cooking or overflow.
  • Layers: To get the most flavorful results, layer your ingredients carefully. Begin with a layer of sliced potatoes then add cheese, herbs, or your preferred seasonings. Alternate the layers until you reach the top of the baking dish, ensuring that the cheese is on top.
  • Sauce: A good sauce is key to flavorful and creamy scalloped potatoes. You can use a variety of sauces, but the most popular is a combination of milk and cream that’s simmered with butter, garlic, or onions and seasoned with salt and pepper.
  • Cheese: Cheese is not only flavorful, but it also helps hold the layers of potatoes together. Use a good-quality cheese that melts well, such as cheddar or gruyere, and grate it yourself as it melts better than pre-shredded cheese.
  • Cooking times: Cooking time depends on the size of your baking dish and the thickness of your potato slices. As a general rule, bake the scalloped potatoes in a preheated oven at 375°F for 45 to 60 minutes until the cheese is golden brown and the potatoes are cooked through. To check if the potatoes are cooked, pierce them with a knife, and if it goes through without any resistance, the potatoes are ready.

Now that you have these tips, you’re equipped to cook scalloped potatoes like a pro! Remember, don’t be afraid to experiment with different flavors and ingredients to make your dish unique and delicious.


Alright, you’ve made it to the end of this guide, and you are now well-versed in the best potatoes to use for scalloped potatoes. Remember, the key to achieving a creamy, delicious dish is choosing the right type of potato. Russet, Yukon Gold, and red potatoes are all excellent choices, but each has its own unique properties that make them better suited for one recipe or another.

When selecting potatoes, make sure to consider the recipe you’ll be using and what qualities are needed to make the best dish. Texture, shape, and flavor are all important factors to keep in mind.

Once you have your potatoes, be sure to follow the proper techniques for preparing and cooking your scalloped potatoes. Take care to slice the potatoes evenly and layer them properly in the baking dish. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different cheeses, sauces, and seasonings to find the perfect flavor combination for your taste buds.

Remember, cooking is all about having fun and enjoying the process. So go forth and create delicious and unforgettable scalloped potatoes for yourself, your family, and friends!