Best potatoes for potato croquettes

Hey there! Are you a fan of potato croquettes? If you are, then you know that having the perfect potato is crucial for making mouth-watering croquettes. But with so many types of potatoes available, how do you know which one to choose? Don’t worry! I’m here to help you with that.

In this article, we’ll be delving into the best types of potatoes for making potato croquettes. We’ll be exploring the characteristics that make a potato ideal for croquettes and giving you some tips on how to prepare and cook them to perfection. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a novice cook looking to experiment, you’ll get all the juicy details on the best potatoes to use, as well as some variations and recipes to try.

So, whether you like your croquettes crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside or packed with flavor, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in and find the perfect potato for your potato croquette recipe!

What Makes a Good Potato for Potato Croquettes?

When it comes to making delicious potato croquettes, selecting the right type of potato is crucial. You want a potato that has a high starch content and a dry texture so that it can hold its shape when mashed and formed into croquettes. A good potato for croquettes should also have a mild flavor that won’t overpower any additional seasonings or ingredients you may add to the croquettes.

Moisture content is another key factor in choosing the right potato for croquettes. Potatoes that are too wet can make the mixture too loose, making it difficult to form the croquettes, while potatoes that are too dry can result in a dense and dry finished product.

When choosing a potato for croquettes, you’ll want to consider the availability and affordability of the potato as well. While some types of potatoes are better suited for croquettes, they may not be available year-round or may be more expensive. Keep in mind that sometimes local farm potatoes may be the best bet when selecting the right potato for your recipe.

Overall, a good potato for croquettes should have a high starch content, a dry texture, a mild flavor, and the right amount of moisture to produce delicious, crispy croquettes.

Best Types of Potatoes for Potato Croquettes

When it comes to making potato croquettes, choosing the right type of potato is essential. You want a potato with a high starch content so that it can bind well, and a texture that won’t become too mushy or grainy when cooked. Of course, taste is important too. Here are some of the best types of potatoes for potato croquettes:

  1. Russet Potatoes: Russets are a popular choice for making potato croquettes because of their high starch content. They have a dry, mealy texture that helps the croquettes hold their shape. Russet potatoes also have a neutral flavor, which makes them a versatile base for any variety of seasonings.
  2. Yukon Gold Potatoes: Yukon Golds are another great choice for potato croquettes. They have a lower starch content compared to Russets, but they still have enough to bind well. They have a buttery, creamy flavor and a texture that’s somewhere between waxy and starchy, making them ideal for croquettes.
  3. Red Potatoes: If you’re looking for a potato that’s a bit less starchy, red potatoes are a good option. They have a lower starch content and a firmer texture, which makes them great for holding together in croquette form. Red potatoes also have a slightly sweet, nutty flavor that can give your croquettes a unique twist.
  4. Fingerling Potatoes: Fingerlings are a fun and slightly exotic option for potato croquettes. They have a waxy texture and a low starch content, which means they hold together well. Fingerlings come in a variety of colors and have a slightly nutty flavor that makes them a great base for creative croquettes.

No matter which type of potato you choose, be sure to test the texture of your croquette mixture before you start forming them into shapes. You want the mixture to be pliable but not too gooey. A good rule of thumb is to begin with a higher ratio of potato to liquid and adjust as necessary. With practice, you’ll find the right balance for your perfect potato croquettes!

How to Prep and Cook Potatoes for Potato Croquettes

Now, let’s talk about how to prep and cook the potatoes for your potato croquettes. There are a few key steps to follow to ensure your potatoes come out perfect every time.

First, start by cleaning and peeling your potatoes. You want to make sure all the dirt and grit is removed, and that you have a smooth surface to work with. Next, cut your potatoes into even-sized pieces to ensure they cook evenly.

To cook the potatoes, you can either boil or steam them. Boiling is the most traditional method, and involves placing the potatoes in a pot of boiling water and cooking until they are tender. Steaming is a slightly healthier option, as it allows the potatoes to retain more of their nutrients.

Once the potatoes are cooked, you’ll need to mash them. It’s important not to overmix or over-process the potatoes, as this will result in a gluey or dense texture. Instead, use a potato ricer or masher to gently crush the potatoes, while still leaving some texture.

If you want to add more flavor to your potato croquettes, you can mix in ingredients like herbs, cheese, or bacon bits. This will give your croquettes an extra layer of complexity and depth.

Overall, the key to making great potato croquettes is to start with the right type of potato and to cook it properly. If you follow these steps, you’ll be well on your way to making the best potato croquettes you’ve ever had!

Tips for Making the Perfect Potato Croquettes

Alright, let’s get into the details of making the perfect potato croquettes.

First off, let’s start with shaping the croquettes. You want to make sure they are evenly shaped and free from any cracks. You can shape them by hand or use a tool, like an ice cream scoop or cookie cutter to make them round. If you opt to form them by hand, make sure to keep your hands slightly wet to prevent the potato mixture from sticking to your hands.

Next, let’s move on to breading and frying the croquettes. Whether you’re using panko breadcrumbs or the traditional ones, make sure to coat your potato croquettes evenly. If you want some added flavor, toss in some herbs or spices into the breadcrumbs.

When it comes to frying the croquettes, make sure the oil is at the right temperature between 350°F to 375°F (175°C to 190°C). If the oil is too hot, your croquettes may end up burning on the outside and remain raw on the inside. If it’s not hot enough, your croquettes will end up absorbing more oil and turn out greasy. Keep in mind that frying small batches will ensure they cook evenly.

Once your potato croquettes are done, place them on a sheet lined with paper towels to drain any excess oil. Finally, season them with salt while warm for an added burst of flavor.

These are just some basic tips, but there are a ton of variations you can try. For instance, you can try baking your croquettes in the oven instead of frying them. You can also add some cheese or herbs to the mashed potato mixture, or substitute sweet potatoes instead of regular ones. The possibilities are endless!

Remember, practice makes perfect when it comes to making potato croquettes. Don’t worry if your first batch doesn’t turn out as good as you wanted, as long as you keep on trying and experimenting, you’ll get the hang of it.

Variations and Recipes for Potato Croquettes

Potato croquettes can be customized in a variety of ways to suit your taste preferences. Here are a few variations to try out:

Adding cheese or herbs to the mashed potato mixture

For a more flavorful potato croquette, try adding grated cheese or chopped herbs to the mashed potato mixture. Parmesan, cheddar, and Gouda are all good options for adding a cheesy taste to your croquettes. For herbs, try adding chopped parsley, chives, or rosemary for an extra boost of flavor.

Making sweet potato croquettes

If you’re looking for a healthier option, try making sweet potato croquettes. Sweet potatoes are known for being packed with nutrients and are naturally sweet, making them a great alternative to regular potatoes. To make sweet potato croquettes, substitute sweet potatoes for regular potatoes in your recipe, and adjust the amount of flour or breadcrumbs to get the right consistency.

Serving with different dips or sauces

Potato croquettes go great with a variety of dipping sauces. Some classic options include ketchup, mustard, and ranch dressing. For a more unique flavor, try serving your croquettes with a homemade sauce, like garlic aioli, honey mustard, or sriracha mayo.

Recipe examples and step-by-step instructions

Here’s a simple recipe for classic potato croquettes:


– 4 large potatoes, peeled and chopped

– 1/4 cup flour

– 1/4 cup breadcrumbs

– 1 egg, beaten

– 1 tsp salt

– 1/2 tsp black pepper

– Vegetable oil, for frying


  1. Boil the potatoes in salted water until tender, then drain and mash until smooth.
  2. Add the flour, breadcrumbs, egg, salt, and pepper to the mashed potatoes, and mix well.
  3. Shape the mixture into small croquettes, about 2 inches long.
  4. Heat about 1 inch of vegetable oil in a large, deep skillet over medium-high heat.
  5. Once the oil is hot, carefully add the croquettes to the skillet, a few at a time.
  6. Fry the croquettes for 2-3 minutes on each side, or until golden brown and crispy on the outside.
  7. Remove the croquettes from the skillet and place them on a paper towel to drain off any excess oil.
  8. Serve the croquettes hot with your favorite dipping sauce. Enjoy!


Congratulations! You’ve learned about the best types of potatoes for potato croquettes and how to prep and cook them for the perfect dish. Remember that selecting the right potatoes – Russet, Yukon Gold, Red, or Fingerling – is crucial for achieving the desired texture, flavor, and moisture. When cooking, make sure to avoid over-mixing or over-processing the potatoes and then shape them perfectly to avoid any cracks or holes.

Experiment with different variations and recipes, like adding cheese or herbs to the mashed potato mixture or trying out sweet potato croquettes. You can also serve your potato croquettes with various dips and sauces to switch up the flavors.

In conclusion, with the right type of potato and some kitchen mastery, you can make delicious and crispy potato croquettes to impress your family and friends. Keep practicing and sending love to your meals. Happy cooking!