Best potatoes for Kartoffelsalat.

Hey guys, are you ready for some delicious potato salad? Yes, we’re talking about Kartoffelsalat, a beloved German dish made with potatoes, onions, and a tangy dressing. But wait, before we dive into the recipe, let’s talk about the most fundamental ingredient – the potato!

Did you know that the kind of potato you choose for your Kartoffelsalat can make or break the dish? That’s right, choosing the right potato is as crucial as the dressing or any other ingredient you might be adding. In this article, we’ll explore the world of potatoes and help you pick the best one for your next Kartoffelsalat.

Whether you’re a potato fan or just trying to impress your friends with your cooking skills, this guide is guaranteed to help you make the perfect potato salad every time. So, get ready to learn all about potatoes and why some are better than others when it comes to making scrumptious Kartoffelsalat.

Types of Potatoes

When it comes to potatoes, there are different types to choose from and knowing their characteristics can help make the best decision when cooking.

First, there are waxy potatoes. They have a low starch content and a thin skin, making them ideal for dishes that require boiled, steamed, or roasted potatoes that need to remain intact. They hold their shape well when cooked and have a firm, smooth texture. The most popular types of waxy potatoes are New Potatoes, Fingerling potatoes, and Salad potatoes.

Next, we have floury or mealy potatoes. They have a high starch content and a dry, fluffy texture. They are perfect for dishes like baked potatoes, mashed potatoes, or French fries, where a fluffy texture is desired. Mealy potatoes also absorb butter and cream well since they are not as dense and retain a crispy texture when fried. Popular Floury potatoes include Russets, King Edward, and Maris Piper.

Lastly, there are All-purpose potatoes that have both starchy and waxy characteristics. They are somewhere in the middle of the spectrum and can be used interchangeably in different recipes. All-purpose potatoes are ideal for dishes like potato gratin, oven-roasted potatoes, and boiled, fried, or mashed potatoes. Examples of all-purpose potatoes are Yukon gold, Kennebec, and Charlotte potatoes.

It’s important to keep in mind the type of dish you are making and select the potato type suitable for that recipe. Each potato type has a won unique set of qualities that make them ideal for certain dishes and not so much for others.

Criteria for Choosing Potatoes for Kartoffelsalat

When it comes to choosing potatoes for your kartoffelsalat, there are a few factors to consider. The texture, flavor, appearance, and nutritional content of the potato will all impact the final dish.

Texture is an important consideration since you want your potatoes to hold up well in the salad without becoming mushy or falling apart. To achieve this, you will want to choose a potato with a firm and creamy texture. Flavor is another factor to think about. Potatoes with a mild, buttery flavor are ideal for kartoffelsalat as they won’t overpower the other ingredients.

The appearance of the potato may not be as critical, but you may want to consider choosing a potato that is visually appealing in your salad. For instance, you could opt for some small red or yellow potatoes that add a pop of color to your dish.

Finally, nutritional content is important, especially if you’re looking for a healthy potato salad. While all potatoes are loaded with vitamins and minerals, some varieties are more nutrient-dense than others. For example, red potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, while sweet potatoes are high in fiber and vitamin A.

When selecting your potatoes for kartoffelsalat, take time to consider all these factors. By keeping the texture, flavor, appearance, and nutritional content in mind, you’ll ensure that your salad will be both delicious and nutritious.

Best Potatoes for Kartoffelsalat

Now that we understand the different types of potatoes, let’s delve into which ones are best for kartoffelsalat.

First up, we have La Ratte potatoes. These small, elongated potatoes have a thin skin and a firm, waxy texture that holds up well in salads. They are also known for their nutty and buttery flavor, making them a perfect addition to a tangy and creamy kartoffelsalat. Plus, their small size means you can easily slice them into thin rounds.

Next, we have Yukon Gold potatoes. These all-purpose potatoes are a popular choice for many dishes, but they also work well in kartoffelsalat. They have a creamy, almost buttery flavor and a moist texture that stands up well to boiling and slicing. They are also less likely to fall apart or turn mushy when cooked, making them perfect for salads.

Finally, we have Red Bliss potatoes. These small, round potatoes have a thin skin and a moist, creamy texture that is perfect for salads. They are also known for their slightly sweet and nutty flavor profile, which will complement the tangy and savory flavors of your kartoffelsalat dressing. Plus, their red skin adds vibrant color to your salad when sliced.

Overall, any of these three types of potatoes will work well for your kartoffelsalat. When selecting your potatoes, keep in mind the texture, flavor, and appearance and pick the one that suits your taste and preference.

Potato Preparation for Kartoffelsalat

Now that you have chosen the ideal potatoes for your kartoffelsalat, it’s time to prepare them. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly with water to remove any dirt or debris. If the potatoes are small, you can leave the skins on, but if they are large, peel them.
  2. Cut the potatoes into small chunks or slices, depending on your preference. Bear in mind that smaller pieces will cook faster than larger ones.
  3. Place the potatoes in a pot and cover them with cold water. Add some salt to the water to enhance the flavor of the potatoes.
  4. Bring the water to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to medium-low and let the potatoes simmer for 10-15 minutes, or until they are tender but not too soft. To test if the potatoes are ready, insert a fork or a knife into one of the pieces. If it slides in and out easily, it’s done.
  5. Drain the potatoes in a colander to get rid of the excess water. Don’t rinse the potatoes with cold water as this will wash away some of the starch and flavor.
  6. Allow the potatoes to cool down completely before mixing them with the other ingredients. You can keep them in the fridge for a few hours or overnight, covered in plastic wrap.

By following these simple steps, you’ll have perfectly cooked and prepared potatoes for your kartoffelsalat. Don’t forget that the cooking time may vary depending on the type and size of the potatoes, so keep an eye on them and adjust accordingly.

Other Factors to Consider When Making Kartoffelsalat

Aside from choosing the right potatoes, there are other factors that can make or break your kartoffelsalat. The dressing and other ingredients can significantly affect the overall taste and texture of the dish. Here are some things to consider:


The dressing is what gives kartoffelsalat its signature tangy flavor. Most kartoffelsalat recipes include a mustard and vinegar-based dressing. You can use Dijon mustard, whole-grain mustard, or any variety you prefer, as long as it has a good kick. For the vinegar, you can use white wine vinegar, apple cider vinegar, or even a bit of pickle juice. Finally, add some oil to bind everything together. You can use olive oil, canola oil, or sunflower oil.

Other Ingredients

Kartoffelsalat doesn’t have to be just potatoes and dressing. You can add other ingredients to make it more flavorful and filling. You can add some vegetables like onions, celery, or green bell peppers for crunch and color. Herbs like parsley and dill can add freshness and aroma to the dish. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can add some meat like bacon, ham, or sausage. Just make sure to chop them into small pieces so they don’t overpower the potatoes.

Remember to season the kartoffelsalat to taste. Add salt and pepper to the dressing, and adjust the amount of vinegar and oil to your liking. If the salad is too dry, add a bit more oil, and if it’s too tangy, add a bit more sugar or honey to balance the flavors.

In conclusion, kartoffelsalat doesn’t have to be complicated. By choosing the right potatoes and adding complementary ingredients and dressing, you can create a delicious and satisfying dish that can be enjoyed any time of the year. Feel free to experiment and personalize your kartoffelsalat recipe to make it your own.


Wow! You made it to the end of the article! Congratulations. We hope you’ve learned a lot about which potatoes to use for your next kartoffelsalat dish.

Remember, the texture, flavor, appearance, and nutritional content are key criteria to consider when choosing your potatoes. The best potatoes for kartoffelsalat are La Ratte, Yukon Gold, and Red Bliss. These varieties are perfect for the dish because of their unique characteristics that lend themselves well to being boiled and sliced.

Of course, choosing the right potatoes is only the beginning. You’ll also need to prepare them just right, by boiling them until they’re tender but not mushy, and then slicing them thinly while they’re still warm.

When making kartoffelsalat, the dressing is just as important as the potatoes. A great dressing balances mustard, vinegar, and oil, and pulls all the ingredients in the dish together. You can also add other ingredients like herbs, vegetables, or meat to give it an extra flavor punch.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article and that it gave you some ideas for your next kartoffelsalat dish. So go ahead, get cooking, and impress your friends and family with your new-found potato knowledge!