What is the best potato for potato and leek soup?

Hey there potato lovers! If you’re anything like me, you probably enjoy a steaming hot bowl of potato and leek soup on a cold winter day. There’s something so comforting and satisfying about the creamy, starchy goodness of this classic dish. But, have you ever stopped to think about what type of potato makes the best potato and leek soup?

Believe it or not, the type of potato you choose for your soup can make a big difference. Sure, any old spud will do in a pinch, but if you want the best flavor and texture possible, it’s important to choose the right variety.

In this article, we’re going to delve into the world of potato varieties and explore which ones make the best potato and leek soup. We’ll talk about the characteristics that make a potato ideal for soup making, and break down the pros and cons of different types. Finally, we’ll give you a recipe for the perfect potato and leek soup that highlights the best potato variety for the job.

Are you ready to become a potato soup expert? Let’s go!

The Characteristics of a Good Potato for Soup Making

Alrighty, let’s talk about what makes a good potato for soup making!

You want to choose a potato with a high starch content because it breaks down and thickens the soup. A starchy potato will release more of its natural starch into the broth as it cooks, making for a creamier consistency. Waxy potatoes, which have a lower starch content, tend to hold their shape better and are better for dishes where you don’t want them to fall apart.

Another important consideration is water absorption. Choose a potato that will absorb the liquid in your broth well, so it doesn’t turn out too watery. If the potato doesn’t absorb the broth, the soup can end up thin and lacking in texture.

Flavor is also important! Different potato varieties have different taste profiles, with some being earthier, sweeter, or nuttier than others. Generally, potatoes that are slightly sweet work well in soups because you don’t want the soup to be too savory. Starchy potatoes will often have a mild, almost bland flavor, which works well in soup because they take on the flavors of other ingredients.

Lastly, consider the texture of the potato when it’s cooked. You don’t want the potato to be too hard or too soft. It should be tender and firm enough to hold its shape in the soup and provide some body to the dish.

So to sum it up: you’ll want a potato with high starch content, good water absorption, and a mild, slightly sweet flavor. And aim for a texture that is tender but firm.

The Different Potato Varieties

Alright! Let’s dive into the world of potatoes and explore the different varieties that make them unique.

Potatoes come in many varieties, ranging from traditional brownish-white russets, to golden Yukon Golds, and even red potatoes. Each of these varieties has its own unique characteristics that make them perfectly suited for different kinds of dishes.


Let’s start with Russet potatoes. These are the most common variety of potatoes and are known for their high starch and low moisture content. They are great for making fluffy mashed potatoes, crispy potato chips, and baked potatoes. They also make a good choice for soups because of their fluffy texture once they are cooked. However, they can take a bit longer to cook and may break down if boiled too long because of their high starch content.

Yukon Gold

Next up, we have Yukon Gold potatoes. They have a slightly sweeter flavor than Russets and a slightly lower starch content. They hold their shape well when cooked, making them perfect for potato salads and roasting. Yukon Golds also make an excellent choice for soups because they have a creamy texture that doesn’t fall apart easily when boiled.

Red Potatoes

Finally, there are Red potatoes. They have a lower starch content than Russets and a smooth texture. They are perfect for potato salads, roasting, and boiling as they hold their shape well. Red potatoes are also great for soups because they tend to have a firmer texture once they are cooked, giving the soup a heartier feel.

Now that you know all about the different potato varieties, you can choose the best potato for your potato and leek soup. The potato variety you choose will depend on your personal preference for the texture and flavor of your soup.

Choosing the Best Potatoes for Potato and Leek Soup

Alright, now let’s dive into the most important part of this topic – which potatoes are the best for potato and leek soup, and why!

First, it’s important to note that the best potato for soup making is one that is high in starch content, and good at absorbing water. You want a potato that is not too waxy, and not too mealy. So, which potato varieties are the best to use for potato and leek soup? Here are some of the most popular options:

  1. Russet potatoes – Russet potatoes are known to be high in starch, which gives them a nice fluffy texture when they are cooked. They are great for baking and mashing, but they can also be used for soup making. The downside to russet potatoes is that they tend to fall apart easily, so if you want chunks of potatoes in your soup, they might not be the best choice.
  2. Yukon gold potatoes – Yukon gold potatoes are medium-starchy, and they have a buttery flavor that makes them perfect for soup making. They are easy to cut and hold their shape well during cooking, so you can get nice, firm chunks of potatoes in your soup. Yukon golds are also great for mashing or roasting.
  3. Red potatoes – Red potatoes are low in starch, which makes them great for boiling and roasting. However, they can also be used for soup making. Red potatoes have a smooth, waxy texture, and they hold up well during cooking. They also have a slightly sweet flavor that can add a nice touch to your potato and leek soup.

But Which is Best?

So, which potato variety is the best for potato and leek soup? Well, it really depends on your personal preference. If you like chunky soup, Yukon gold potatoes are the best choice. If you want a smooth, creamy soup, you might want to go for russet potatoes. And if you like a little sweetness in your soup, try using red potatoes.

Regardless of what potato variety you choose, there are a few things you should keep in mind when cooking them for soup. First, make sure to cut them into evenly sized pieces, so they cook at the same rate. Second, add them to the pot at the right time – you don’t want the potatoes to be overcooked or undercooked. And lastly, don’t forget to season them well with salt and pepper.

So, now that you know which potatoes are the best for potato and leek soup, it’s time to get cooking! Try out different potato varieties and see which one you like the best. Remember, cooking is all about experimentation, so don’t be afraid to try new things!


Congratulations! You’ve just learned about the different potato varieties and what makes the perfect potato for potato and leek soup. Now that you have this knowledge, you’re well on your way to making a delicious batch of soup that will be enjoyed by all.

The best potato for soup making is one that has a high starch content, good water absorption, is nutritious, flavorful, and has a good texture while cooking. While all potatoes have their advantages and disadvantages, each of them can be used to make soup.

When choosing the best potato for potato and leek soup, the ideal potato variety is the Yukon Gold potato. It’s high starch content and creamy texture make it perfect for soup making. However, some people may prefer the texture of russet or red potatoes. So, feel free to experiment with the different varieties to find what best suits your taste and preference.

Now that you know what makes the perfect potato for potato and leek soup, go ahead and try making the recipe we shared with you. It’s a winner, and you won’t be disappointed. Remember, the key to a delicious potato and leek soup lies in the quality of the potatoes, so choose wisely and enjoy your hearty, nutritious meal.