Best potatoes for Irish stew

Hey there potato lovers! Are you a fan of Irish cuisine or just love a good hearty stew? Well, then you know that potatoes play a crucial role in many Irish dishes, especially the beloved Irish potato stew. But have you ever wondered which potatoes are the best to use for this delicious comfort food?

That’s where I come in. As a potato enthusiast and expert, I’m excited to share my knowledge on the best potatoes for Irish potato stew. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of potatoes and their characteristics to help you choose the perfect spud for your stew.

So get ready to learn about waxy and floury potatoes, which ones to use, and why. Plus, I’ll share tips and tricks on how to cook the perfect potato for your Irish potato stew. By the end, you’ll be equipped with all the knowledge to make the best Irish potato stew you’ve ever had!

Characteristics of Potatoes for Stew

When it comes to picking the perfect potatoes for your Irish potato stew, there are two types of potatoes to consider: waxy potatoes and floury potatoes.

Waxy potatoes have a smooth texture and a moist, firm flesh. These types of potatoes are best suited for dishes that require the potatoes to hold their shape after cooking. They are ideal for salads, potato casseroles, and roasting. Because waxy potatoes have a lower starch content, they are not as absorbent as floury potatoes, which makes them ideal for stews where a thick consistency is not necessary.

On the other hand, floury potatoes have a dry, mealy texture and a high starch content. These potatoes are best suited for dishes that require a fluffy, crumbly texture, like mashed potatoes or french fries. They are not well-suited for dishes that require potatoes to hold their shape, like potato salads or casseroles. However, when it comes to Irish potato stew, floury potatoes are ideal because they break down during the cooking process, infusing the stew with a thick, velvety texture that is essential to this iconic dish.

When choosing the best potatoes for your Irish potato stew, consider whether you want a more delicate, firm texture or a thick, velvety consistency. Both options have their benefits, so it’s important to choose the type of potato that will suit your dish and personal taste preferences.

Waxy Potatoes for Irish Potato Stew

Great news! Waxy potatoes are perfect for Irish potato stew because they hold their shape and do not fall apart when cooked. They also create a slightly creamier texture what with their lower starch content.

There are different waxy potato varieties available, and each of them has its own distinct taste and texture. One of the best varieties for Irish potato stew is baby potatoes due to their tender texture and natural sweetness, which intensifies as they cook. The second option would be new potatoes, which are harvested when young and have a firm texture that holds together well during cooking. They also have a slightly nutty flavor that complements any stew.

When preparing waxy potatoes for your Irish potato stew, it’s best to scrub and trim them before cutting them into evenly-sized pieces for consistent cooking. Waxy potatoes take around 15 minutes to cook in low to medium heat, so you can add them to the pot halfway through the cooking process to avoid overcooking. This will ensure the potatoes stay firm and keep their shape as they cook.

While the waxy potatoes will add creaminess and texture to your Irish potato stew, they are not as absorbent as floury potatoes. So, if you’re looking for potatoes that soak up the flavors, you might want to consider floury potatoes. But don’t worry, in our next section, we’ll delve deeper into floury potatoes and why they might be best for Irish potato stew in some cases.

Floury Potatoes for Irish Potato Stew

Now let’s talk about floury potatoes, which are different from their waxy counterparts. While waxy potatoes hold their shape together when cooked, floury potatoes have a more crumbly and fluffy texture. They tend to break down more easily, making them perfect for mashed potatoes, fries, and chip making.

For Irish potato stew, the best floury potatoes to use are Russet and Yukon Gold potatoes. Russet potatoes, also known as Idaho potatoes, are the quintessential baked potato. These potatoes are high in starch, and their texture becomes light and fluffy when cooked. You know a Russet potato by its brown, rough skin and oblong shape. They’re ideal for making mashed potatoes and potato bread, and they hold up well in stews.

Yukon Gold potatoes have a slightly yellowish skin with a buttery, dense texture. They are medium in starch content, and their texture becomes creamy when cooked. They’re perfect for soups and stews, and they’re great for potato salads too!

When using floury potatoes in Irish potato stew, it will create more of a creamy and thick texture, blending in with the other ingredients in the stew. The starches in these potatoes break down and thicken the liquid, creating a smoother and creamier stew.

Overall, opting for floury potatoes will give you a potato stew with a more delicate texture. The russet and Yukon Gold potatoes are both fantastic options when you want creamy and thick stew, with potato pieces that break down and contribute to the overall texture. Remember that floury potatoes are best for boiling, mashing, and frying, and when selecting for Irish potato stew, aim for potatoes with a soft and fluffy texture.

Comparing Waxy and Floury Potatoes

When it comes to choosing the best potatoes for Irish potato stew, you may come across waxy and floury potatoes. Both types of potatoes have their own characteristics that make them suitable for different types of dishes. Here is a quick comparison of waxy and floury potatoes to help you decide which one to use for your Irish potato stew.

Waxy potatoes are known for their low starch content and are ideal for dishes that need potatoes to hold their shape after cooking, like salads and stews. As mentioned above, baby potatoes and new potatoes are some of the best waxy potatoes for Irish potato stew. They have thin skins, therefore, do not need to be peeled, and their tender texture gives the stew a creamy consistency that is balanced with the other ingredients.

Floury potatoes, on the other hand, have high starch content and tend to break down and become fluffy after cooking. They are ideal for dishes that require mashed potatoes, like shepherd’s pie and gnocchi. Russet potatoes and Yukon Gold potatoes are some of the best floury potatoes for Irish potato stew. They have a fluffy texture that gives the stew a thicker consistency and makes it ideal for soaking up all the flavors from the other ingredients.

When it comes to Irish potato stew, both waxy and floury potatoes work well, but it ultimately depends on the texture that you prefer. Waxy potatoes will keep their shape even after cooking, while floury potatoes will break down and add a creaminess to the stew. So, if you prefer your Irish potato stew to be thick and creamy, then floury potatoes are your best bet. If you prefer a stew with firmer potato pieces, then waxy potatoes are ideal.

Overall, choosing the right potatoes for Irish potato stew can make a big difference in the taste and texture of the dish. By understanding the characteristics of waxy and floury potatoes, you can make an informed decision on which one to choose for your Irish potato stew.

Tips for Cooking Potatoes for Irish Potato Stew

Now that you know which types of potatoes are best for Irish potato stew, it’s time to learn some tips on how to cook them perfectly.

Cutting Potatoes

When cutting potatoes for stew, make sure to cut them into even-sized chunks. This ensures that the potatoes cook evenly and at the same time. Also, leave the skin on the potatoes for added texture and flavor.

Boiling Potatoes

To boil potatoes for Irish potato stew, place the potatoes in a pot with enough cold water to cover them. Bring the water to a boil over high heat and then reduce the heat to medium-low. Let the potatoes simmer until they are fork-tender but not mushy, about 15-20 minutes depending on the size of your potato chunks.

Adding Potatoes to the Stew

When adding potatoes to the stew, make sure to add them at the right time to avoid overcooking or undercooking. If using waxy potatoes, add them to the stew about 20-25 minutes before the stew is done. If using floury potatoes, add them to the stew about 30-35 minutes before it’s done. This gives the potatoes enough time to absorb the flavors of the stew, but not too much time that they lose their structure.

Also, avoid stirring the stew too much after adding the potatoes, as this can cause them to break apart. Instead, gently give the stew a quick stir every now and then.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to cook perfect potatoes for your Irish potato stew every time.


Alright, so now you know the best potatoes for making a delicious Irish potato stew! Whether you prefer waxy or floury, each potato has its own unique characteristics that can enhance the flavor, texture, and overall experience of your stew.

Remember, some waxy potatoes like baby and new potatoes are great for retaining their shape, while floury potatoes like russet and Yukon Gold are perfect for creating a thicker, creamier stew. By experimenting with different variations, you can achieve the perfect consistency and flavor that suits your taste buds.

Lastly, keep in mind these cooking tips when working with potatoes for your stew: make sure to cut them into equal sizes for even cooking, boil them until they’re tender but not mushy, and add them to your stew in the last 30 minutes of cooking for maximum flavor impact.

Now that you’re equipped with all the knowledge you need to make a delicious Irish potato stew, we encourage you to try different potato types and experiment with flavor combinations to take your stew to the next level! Start by using our suggestions for the best potatoes for Irish stew and then make it your own with your favorite ingredients. We can’t wait for you to create your next tasty masterpiece!