What is the best potato for crispy french fries?

Hey there potato lovers! There’s nothing quite like the feeling of biting into a crispy, salty, delicious French fry. Whether you’re enjoying them as a side with a burger or as a treat on their own, French fries are one of America’s favorite comfort foods. But did you know that selecting the right type of potato is crucial to achieving that perfect fry we all know and love?

That’s right, not all spuds are created equal when it comes to frying. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the best types of potatoes for frying American-style French fries and why they’re so darn good. Plus, we’ll fill you in on the health benefits of potatoes (spoiler alert: they’re packed with vitamins and minerals). So sit back, grab a spud, and get ready to learn everything you need to know about making the perfect French fry!

Types of Potatoes for Frying American-style French Fries

When it comes to choosing the right type of potato for your American-style French fries, there are a few options you can consider. Each type of potato has its unique characteristics and flavor profile, which can impact the texture and taste of your fries. Here are four types of potatoes to consider for your next batch of homemade French fries.

First up are Russet potatoes. This type of potato is the go-to choice for many fast-food chains and restaurants. Russets are known for their high starch content, making them ideal for creating crispy, golden French fries. They also have a low moisture content, which means they resist sogginess when they are fried. Russet potatoes are perfect for those who like their fries crispy and delicious.

Another type of potato to consider is the Yukon Gold. These potatoes have a medium starch content, which makes them creamier and more tender than Russet potatoes. They tend to have a slightly sweeter flavor profile, which can complement the saltiness of your French fries. Yukon Gold potatoes are perfect for people who want a slightly softer, creamier French fry experience.

Red potatoes are also an option for American-style French fries. They have a lower starch content than Russet and Yukon Gold potatoes and tend to be less crispy. However, they do have a slightly sweet taste, which can add a unique flavor to your fries. If you want a softer French fry with a hint of sweetness, red potatoes might be the perfect choice.

Finally, you can consider sweet potatoes for a healthier twist on French fries. Sweet potatoes are rich in nutrients such as fiber and vitamin A. They are also low in starch and tend to have a sweeter flavor than regular potatoes. Sweet potato fries are a great alternative for people who are health-conscious or want a distinct flavor in their fries.

Overall, the type of potato you choose for your American-style French fries will depend on your personal preferences. Whether you love crispy, golden fries or soft, tender ones, there is a potato out there for you. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of potatoes until you find the perfect one for your French fry experience!

Why Russet Potatoes Are the Best for Frying American-style French Fries

When it comes to French fries, selecting the right type of potato is the key to achieving that perfect crispy texture on the outside and fluffy on the inside. While there are many types of potatoes to choose from, Russet potatoes are the best for frying American-style French fries. Here’s why:

Firstly, Russet potatoes have a high starch content. This starch is essential for achieving a crispy exterior on your fries, as the high starch content results in more surface area that can become crispy. Additionally, Russet potatoes have a low moisture content. When frying, moisture turns into steam, which can make your fries soggy. Russet potatoes’ lower moisture content helps to resist sogginess and retain crispiness.

Another benefit of using Russet potatoes is that they are preferred by most fast food chains. These restaurants use Russet potatoes for their fries because they are cost-effective, easy to source, and most importantly, they result in great-tasting fries.

While other potato types have their unique features, Russet potatoes remain the go-to potato for the perfect American-style French fries. So, next time you’re making fries at home, reach for the Russet potatoes to achieve that crispy, golden texture that we all love.

Preparing Potatoes for Frying American-style French Fries

Now that you know the best types of potatoes for frying American-style French fries, the next step is to prepare them properly. This will help ensure that your French fries turn out crispy and delicious. Here are some tips for preparing potatoes for frying:

  1. Proper washing and drying: Start by washing your potatoes thoroughly to remove any dirt, and then dry them completely. Drying the potatoes is crucial because excess moisture can result in soggy French fries.
  2. Pre-cooking or blanching: Some people recommend pre-cooking or blanching the potatoes before frying them. Pre-cooking or blanching will help remove excess moisture from the potatoes, resulting in a crispier French fry. To pre-cook the potatoes, boil them for 4-5 minutes, or until they are slightly tender. To blanch the potatoes, boil them for 2-3 minutes and then immediately transfer them to an ice bath to stop the cooking process.
  3. Cutting into uniform sizes: It’s important to cut your potatoes into uniform sizes so that they cook evenly. Unevenly sized potatoes can result in some French fries that are overcooked and others that are undercooked. Use a French fry cutter or a sharp knife to cut your potatoes into uniform strips. Aim for a width of about 1/4 inch.

By following these tips for preparing your potatoes, you’ll be one step closer to perfect American-style French fries. Remember to always use clean and high-quality oil, fry in small batches, and season your fries as soon as they come out of the fryer for the best results.

Tips for Perfect American-style French Fries

When it comes to making the perfect American-style French fries, the type of potato you choose is just the start. Here are some tips to make sure your fries come out perfectly every time:

  1. Fry in clean, high-quality oil at the right temperature: The oil you use can make a big difference in the quality of your fries. Use a neutral-tasting oil with a high smoke point, like peanut or vegetable oil. Make sure the oil is fresh and hasn’t been used too many times. Heat the oil to the right temperature, which is usually around 375°F to 400°F.
  2. Fry in small batches to prevent overcrowding: If you try to fry too many fries at once, they’ll end up sticking together and won’t cook evenly. Instead, fry in small batches and spread the fries out in the fryer or pan. This will allow each fry to cook evenly and get crispy all over.
  3. Season with salt and other desired seasonings immediately after frying: Don’t wait too long to season your fries, or the salt won’t stick. As soon as the fries come out of the fryer, toss them in a bowl with salt, pepper, garlic powder, herbs, or any other seasonings you like. Make sure to toss them well to distribute the seasonings evenly.
  4. Blot excess oil off the fries: Once the fries are seasoned, take them out of the bowl and let them rest on a paper towel or wire rack. This will help absorb any excess oil and prevent them from getting soggy.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to making perfect American-style French fries every time. Remember to have fun with it and experiment with different seasoning blends and dipping sauces – there’s no one right way to enjoy a delicious plate of fries!


Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of this article about the best types of potatoes for frying American-style French fries. You’re now a potato expert, so let’s sum up what you’ve learned.

First, selecting the right type of potato is crucial in achieving perfectly crispy and delicious French fries. Russet potatoes, with their high starch content and low moisture, are the preferred choice for most fast food chains and a top choice for homemade fries.

However, don’t be afraid to try out other potato varieties, such as Yukon Gold, red, or even sweet potatoes, for a fun and healthy twist on your fries.

Remember to properly wash and dry your potatoes, pre-cook or blanch them, and cut them into uniform sizes for consistent frying. When it comes to frying, use clean, high-quality oil at the right temperature, and fry in small batches to prevent overcrowding.

Finally, don’t forget to season your fries to your liking immediately after frying. Whether you prefer classic salt, ketchup, or even a dash of garlic and parmesan cheese, the options are endless.

Now that you’re armed with all this knowledge, it’s time to get cooking! So head to the kitchen and start frying up some delicious, crispy French fries.