What are the best oils to fry your potatoes in?

Are you a lover of all things potatoes? Do you enjoy frying up a batch of crispy, golden brown fries for your family and friends? If so, then you know that the oil you use for frying can make or break your dish.

In this article, we’re going to talk about the best oils for frying your potatoes, and why these oils are superior to other oils. We’ll cover the different types of oils available, and the unique properties of each one. But most importantly, we’ll dive into the two best oils for frying potatoes: peanut oil and sunflower oil.

By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of why these two oils are the best for frying potatoes, and how you can use them to achieve that perfect crispy and delicious texture we all love. So get ready to cook up some tasty fries, and let’s dive in!

Importance of Cooking Oils

Hey there, potato lovers!

As you know, cooking oils are a crucial component of frying potatoes to perfection. Not all oils are equal, though – some oils can result in greasy, limp fries, while others can yield perfectly crispy, golden-brown fries.

When it comes to frying potatoes, the type of oil you use can have a significant impact on the taste and texture of the final dish. Different oils have different smoke points, which refers to the temperature at which an oil begins to burn and produce smoke. When an oil is heated past its smoke point, it can release toxic fumes and impart a burnt taste to your food.

That’s why it’s essential to understand the unique properties of each type of oil and how they will impact your fries. For example, oils with high smoke points like peanut oil and sunflower oil are ideal for frying potatoes because they can withstand the high heat required for producing crispy fries without burning.

Another important factor to consider when choosing an oil for frying potatoes is the potential health impact. Some oils, like vegetable oil, can be high in saturated fats, which can contribute to heart disease and other health problems. In contrast, oils like peanut oil and sunflower oil are higher in unsaturated fats, which have been linked to a host of health benefits.

So, when thinking about cooking oils, it’s essential to choose one that strikes the perfect balance between smoke point and health considerations. Choose wisely to ensure your fries come out crispy, golden, and delicious every time!

Types of Cooking Oils

Okay, let’s dive into the different types of cooking oils that you can choose from when frying potatoes. When it comes to oils, there are a ton of options out there, but not all oils are created equal. Here are a few of the most common types of cooking oils that you might consider using for your beloved fried potatoes:

First up, we’ve got canola oil. Canola oil is often touted as a healthy oil, as it contains less saturated fat than many other oils. It also has a high smoke point, which makes it a good option for frying. However, some people find that it has a slightly bitter taste, so it might not be the best choice if you want your potatoes to have a neutral flavor.

Next, there’s vegetable oil. Vegetable oil is another popular oil for frying, and it’s known for its neutral flavor. It’s often a blend of different types of oils, such as soybean, corn, and sunflower oils. It has a pretty high smoke point, so it can hold up well to frying. However, like canola oil, it’s high in omega-6 fatty acids, which some experts say can be unhealthy in large amounts.

Another option is corn oil. Corn oil has a high smoke point and a neutral flavor, much like vegetable oil. It’s also relatively inexpensive. However, like other oils that are high in omega-6s, some experts caution against using too much corn oil because it could potentially lead to health problems.

Olive oil is another oil that you might consider using for frying potatoes. It’s not ideal for deep frying, as it has a lower smoke point than some other oils. However, it can be a good option for pan-frying or sautéing. Plus, it’s rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, so it could be a good choice if you’re looking for a healthier oil option.

Finally, there’s peanut oil. Peanut oil is another oil that’s often used for frying, especially in Asian cuisine. It has a high smoke point and a neutral flavor, so it won’t overpower the flavor of your potatoes. It’s also relatively low in saturated fat and high in healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which is a big plus.

Of course, there are plenty of other oils out there that you could use for frying potatoes. However, these are some of the most common ones that you might consider. When choosing an oil, think about the smoke point, flavor, and health benefits of each type, and choose the one that seems like the best fit for your particular potato dish.

The Best Oils for Frying Potatoes

Now that you have an idea of the types of oils available, let’s dive into which oils are a cut above when it comes to frying potatoes. The two oils that I highly recommend for this purpose are peanut oil and sunflower oil.

Peanut oil has a relatively high smoke point of around 450°F (232°C), making it a great option for high-temperature cooking methods like frying. It also has a neutral flavor that won’t overpower the natural taste of the potatoes. Plus, peanut oil contains a high amount of monounsaturated fats, which are known to be good for heart health.

Sunflower oil is another great option for frying potatoes. It has a nearly identical smoke point to peanut oil, making it highly heat-resistant. Sunflower oil also has a mild flavor that won’t detract from the taste of the potatoes. It’s also rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that plays a role in promoting healthy skin.

What sets these oils apart from the rest is their high smoke point, neutral flavor, and heart-healthy fat content. These qualities all come together to create fried potatoes that are crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, with a delicious and satisfying taste.

It’s worth noting that not all oils are created equal when it comes to frying potatoes. Some oils, like olive oil and butter, have low smoke points, which means they may create a less than optimal frying experience. Others, like canola oil and vegetable oil, while they have a higher smoke point, are highly processed and may not be as beneficial for your health as peanut or sunflower oil.

In the end, the choice is yours when it comes to which oil to use for frying potatoes. However, if you want to achieve the best results, you can’t go wrong with peanut or sunflower oil. Give them a try and you’ll be amazed by how delicious your fried potatoes turn out!

Why Peanut Oil Is Superior for Frying Potatoes

When it comes to frying potatoes, peanut oil is considered the superior choice. One reason is its high smoke point, which allows you to heat the oil to high temperatures without burning it. This is important for frying potatoes because a higher temperature ensures that the potatoes achieve a crispy, golden brown exterior while maintaining a soft and fluffy interior.

In addition, peanut oil has a mild flavor that doesn’t overpower the taste of the potatoes. This allows the natural flavor of the potatoes to shine through, while still providing a slightly nutty and pleasant taste.

Another advantage of peanut oil is its stability. It has a longer shelf life than many other oils, and can be reused multiple times before losing its effectiveness. This makes it a cost-effective choice for frying potatoes, as it allows you to use the oil for multiple batches before needing to replace it.

Furthermore, peanut oil is also a healthy option. It contains monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are considered “good” fats that can lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease. In comparison, other oils like lard or vegetable shortening are high in saturated fats, which are considered “bad” fats that can raise your cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease.

Overall, when it comes to frying potatoes, peanut oil provides the best combination of high smoke point, mild flavor, stability, and health benefits. So, if you want perfectly golden and crispy fried potatoes, reach for a bottle of peanut oil.

Why Sunflower Oil Is Superior for Frying Potatoes

If for some reason you don’t prefer peanut oil or you’re allergic to it, sunflower oil is your next best option. Like peanut oil, sunflower oil has a high smoke point which makes it great for frying potatoes. But what makes it ideal for frying is its neutral flavor. This means that when you fry potatoes with sunflower oil, you won’t notice a significant change in the potatoes’ natural taste. This is especially important for dishes where you want the potatoes to be the star of the show.

Sunflower oil is also a healthier option compared to other oils that are commonly used for frying. It’s packed with healthy fats and is rich in vitamin E, which is great for your skin and hair. Sunflower oil is also low in saturated fats, which makes it a healthier option compared to other vegetable oils that are high in saturated fat. Using sunflower oil lowers the risk of consuming unhealthy cholesterol, while also providing the health benefits for your body.

When it comes to frying potatoes with sunflower oil, you’ll notice that your potatoes have a slightly lighter color and a crisp texture, making them a bit crunchier than with other oils. However, it’s important to keep an eye on the temperature because sunflower oil tends to break down quickly at high temperatures. You don’t want the oil to reach its smoke point as it can become unhealthy for consumption. So, make sure to keep the temperature at a maximum of medium-high heat or around 375°F (190°C)

In summary, sunflower oil is a great oil to use if you want to fry potatoes, especially if you are looking for healthier options. It has a neutral flavor, which is great for enhancing the natural taste of potatoes, while also providing all the benefits for your body. So the next time you’re craving some fried potatoes, give sunflower oil a try and see the difference for yourself.

Other Oils to Consider

Now, while peanut oil and sunflower oil are two excellent options for frying potatoes, there are a few other oils that you may have heard of that are also suitable for frying. One of these oils is vegetable oil, which is usually made from soybeans. Vegetable oil is a widely available and relatively cheap option. However, it has a high level of saturated and trans fats, which can be detrimental to heart health. Another oil you may consider is sesame oil, which has a unique nutty flavor. However, it has a low smoke point, making it not the best choice for frying at high temperatures.

Coconut oil is another popular alternative, known for its health benefits, but it doesn’t have a high smoke point and its flavor is too strong for many, making it not the best choice when frying potatoes. Canola oil is another oil that many people use for frying, but it has a high smoke point, which makes it ideal for frying at higher temperatures, however, it may not give the potatoes a desirable flavor.

Overall, while other oils are available, we highly recommend sticking with peanut or sunflower oil for frying potatoes because of their unique properties and superior results. However, if you are interested in trying another oil, you may want to do some research to find the one that best fits your cooking style and flavors.

Tips for Frying Potatoes with Peanut or Sunflower Oil

Now that you know that peanut oil and sunflower oil are both great options for frying your homemade potatoes, let’s talk about some tips to ensure your potatoes come out crispy and delicious.

  1. Heat your oil to the right temperature. One of the most important things to remember when frying potatoes is to make sure that the oil is hot enough before you start frying. For peanut oil, heat it up to around 350°F, while for sunflower oil, heat it up to around 375°F. If you don’t heat the oil up to the right temperature, the potatoes won’t cook evenly and will end up oily and soggy.
  2. Cut your potatoes evenly. When frying potatoes, it’s important to cut them into evenly sized pieces. This will ensure that they cook at the same rate and come out nice and crispy. You can use a mandoline or a sharp knife to cut your potatoes into thin slices or French fry-shaped sticks.
  3. Dry your potatoes first. Before you add your potatoes to the hot oil, make sure to pat them dry with a paper towel. This will remove any excess moisture and prevent the potatoes from getting soggy when you fry them.
  4. Don’t overcrowd the pan. When you add the potatoes to the hot oil, make sure to work in batches and avoid overcrowding the pan. If you add too many potatoes at once, the oil temperature will drop, and the potatoes won’t cook evenly.
  5. Season your potatoes before frying. To give your fried potatoes extra flavor, season them with salt, pepper, garlic powder, or any other seasonings you like before adding them to the hot oil. This will ensure that they’re seasoned evenly and taste great.
  6. Drain your potatoes properly. Once your potatoes are golden brown and crispy, remove them from the hot oil with a slotted spoon and place them on a paper towel-lined plate or baking sheet. This will help drain any excess oil and keep the potatoes crispy.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to make perfectly crispy homemade fries every time, using either peanut or sunflower oil. Happy frying!


Congratulations! You are now an expert in frying potatoes. In this article, we have explored the many different types of oils that can be used for frying potatoes, and we’ve made a strong case for why peanut and sunflower oil are the best options to choose from.

But don’t just take our word for it. Next time you prepare to cook up a batch of fries or any other potato-based dishes, consider using either peanut or sunflower oil for a healthier and tastier outcome.

As we’ve seen, both of these oils have unique properties that make them perfect for frying potatoes. Peanut oil can be used at higher temperatures without burning or breaking down, which will give your fries a crisp exterior while keeping the interior fluffy and tender. Meanwhile, sunflower oil is high in vitamin E and other antioxidants that combat free radicals, which means it may even help you stay healthier while enjoying a delicious snack!

Don’t forget, although peanut and sunflower oil are the ideal choices for frying potatoes, other oils like canola, vegetable or olive oil can also be used. Just remember to adjust the temperature accordingly to preserve the potato’s texture and delicate flavor.

So what are you waiting for? Get ready to level up your potato-frying skills with the right oil to get the perfect, crispy, and deliciously golden and scrumptious fries!