What are the best potatoes for samosas?

Welcome to the world of samosas, where a simple potato can be transformed into a delicious and satisfying snack. But not all potatoes are created equal; choosing the right type of potato is crucial for a great samosa. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll dive into what makes a potato the best choice for samosas, and why it matters. Whether you’re an experienced cook or new to the world of samosas, read on to discover how to elevate your samosas to the next level with the perfect potato.

Understanding Samosas

Alright, let’s get started! So, before we dive into the best potatoes for samosas, let’s take a closer look at what these little triangular delights are all about.

Samosas are a popular savory snack that originated from India but can now be found all over the world. These delicious pastries are made by folding dough around a filling typically made of spiced vegetables or meat. However, the one ingredient that almost every samosa recipe requires is potatoes.

Samosas come in different shapes and sizes. However, the classic samosa is a crispy, triangular pastry that’s filled with a spicy potato and pea mix. The combination of crispy dough and melt-in-your-mouth potato filling is what makes samosas so satisfying.

Samosas can be baked or fried, making them a versatile snack that can be enjoyed in many different ways. You can eat them as an appetizer, side dish, or as a main course, depending on how they’re served.

Some culinary experts say that potatoes make the most delicious filling for samosas because of their unique texture and ability to soak up spices and flavors, while others argue it’s a matter of personal preference. Nevertheless, there’s no mistaking that potatoes play a vital role in making samosas the delicious snacks we all love.

The Best Potatoes for Samosas

When it comes to making samosas, using the right type of potato can make a world of difference. The potatoes that are best for samosas are those that are dense and hold their shape when cooked. You don’t want a potato that turns into mush when boiled or fried, as you want to keep the texture of your samosas intact.

Here are some of the best potatoes to use for samosas:

  1. Yukon Gold: These potatoes are slightly waxy and have a rich, buttery flavor that works well in samosas. Yukon Gold potatoes hold their shape when boiled and don’t crumble when fried, making them an excellent choice for samosas.
  2. Russet: Russet potatoes are high in starch and have a slightly dry texture, which makes them perfect for samosas. When boiled, they create a creamy, almost mashed potato-like texture that works well in samosas. Russet potatoes also hold their shape well when fried, which is essential for maintaining the shape of your samosas.
  3. Maris Piper: These versatile potatoes are a popular choice for making samosas in the UK. Maris Piper potatoes have a fluffy texture and a mild, earthy flavor that works well in samosas. They hold their shape when boiled or fried, and they don’t become mealy or mushy.
  4. Red Bliss: While not as common as other types, red bliss potatoes work well in samosas. These potatoes have a creamy texture and a slightly sweet flavor that complements the spices used in samosas. They hold their shape when boiled or fried, making them a good choice for samosas.
  5. Fingerling: These petite potatoes are perfect for making bite-sized samosas. Fingerling potatoes have a firm texture and nutty flavor that works well in samosas. They hold their shape well when boiled or fried and are perfect for small, delicate samosas.

In summary, you should look for potatoes that have a firm texture and hold their shape when cooked for your samosas. Some of the best potatoes for samosas are Yukon Gold, Russet, Maris Piper, Red Bliss, and Fingerling potatoes. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of potatoes to find the perfect fit for your samosas.

How to Choose the Right Potatoes

Alright, let’s talk about how to choose the right potatoes for making samosas. There are a few important factors to consider when selecting the perfect potatoes that will make your samosas burst with flavor.

Firstly, texture is crucial. Look for potatoes that have a firm, smooth texture, without any blemishes, bruises, or soft spots. You want your potatoes to hold their shape and not turn into mush when cooking, so it’s essential to pick the appropriate type of potato based on your preferred texture.

Secondly, flavor is another key factor to consider when selecting the best potato for your samosas. You want to choose a variety that has a rich, earthy flavor that can complement the other ingredients in your samosas, such as aromatic spices like cumin, coriander, and turmeric.

Thirdly, starch content is also important. Some varieties of potatoes have higher levels of starch, which makes them ideal for use in samosas. They help to bind the filling together and gives it a creamy texture, which is perfect for a classic samosa.

Lastly, moisture content is something to consider when choosing the right potato. High-water content potatoes tend to become mushy when cooked, while potatoes with a lower moisture content usually hold their shape better without turning into a gloopy mess. So, make sure you choose potatoes with a moderate level of moisture.

Here are some tips that can help you choose the best potatoes for your signature samosas:

  1. For boiled samosas, look for yellow or white-fleshed potatoes that are high in starch, such as the starchy Yukon Gold potatoes.
  2. For baked samosas, choose medium-starch potatoes like Maris Piper or Red Bliss, which are perfect for roasting and have a lovely texture.
  3. For fried samosas, use medium-starch potatoes with low moisture content like the Russet potatoes, which will hold their shape well without turning into a mushy mess.

It’s crucial to keep in mind these features while picking your potatoes to ensure your samosas turn out perfectly every time. Trust me, using the right potato can make all the difference in the quality and taste of your samosas!

Preparation and Cooking Techniques

Alright, now that you know which potatoes are best for samosas, let’s talk about how to prepare and cook them.

First off, you’ll want to wash and peel the potatoes before cutting them into small, bite-sized pieces. You can also dice or chop them into smaller bits depending on your preference.

Once you’ve chopped up the potatoes, it’s time to cook them. There are several ways to do this, but the most common methods are boiling, baking, or frying.

Boiling is a simple and easy technique that involves cooking the potatoes in boiling water until they’re tender. This method is great if you want your potatoes to be soft and fluffy.

Baking is another great option if you want a slightly crispy surface on your potatoes. To bake the potatoes, simply coat them in some oil and spices, and then bake them in the oven until they’re golden brown.

Finally, frying is a popular cooking technique for samosas. This method involves cooking the potatoes in hot oil until they turn crispy and golden brown. While this method may not be the healthiest, it definitely adds a nice crunch to your samosas.

Each cooking method has its advantages and disadvantages, so choose the one that best suits your tastes and preferences.

Regardless of the cooking method you choose, it’s important to make sure the potatoes are cooked all the way through. A good way to check if they’re done is to stick a fork into the potato. If it easily glides through, your potatoes are ready!

Now that you know how to cook your potatoes, you’re one step closer to making perfect samosas! Stay tuned for the next section where we’ll talk about the best spices and seasonings to use on your potatoes.


Now comes the fun part! Adding seasoning is what takes your potato filling from bland to bold. Traditional samosas get their flavor from a combination of spices that are commonly used in Indian cooking. The key spices are salt, cumin, coriander, turmeric, and garam masala.

When it comes to seasoning your potatoes, there are two main approaches. One method involves cooking the spices first in a frying pan with oil and then adding boiled potatoes to the pan. This allows the potatoes to absorb the flavors of the spices. The other method involves seasoning the potatoes directly by adding the spices to the pot while boiling the potatoes. The potatoes will absorb the flavors of the spices as they cook.

For a basic potato filling, start with one teaspoon of each spice: salt, cumin, coriander, and turmeric. Add a quarter teaspoon of garam masala for added depth of flavor. Mix the spices in a bowl before adding them to the pot of boiling potatoes. Stir the potatoes while they cook to evenly distribute the spices.

If you like your samosas spicier, add chili powder or red pepper flakes to the mix. Remember to adjust the seasoning to your taste.

A squeeze of lemon or lime juice can also bring brightness to the potato filling. It adds acidity and freshness that balances the richness of the potatoes.

Don’t forget that samosas are versatile and can accommodate a variety of flavors. Feel free to experiment with different spice combinations and create your signature potato filling.

In conclusion, seasoning your potatoes is what elevates your samosas to the next level. Whether you use traditional spices or venture into new flavor territory, it’s the seasoning that makes your samosas stand out.


Great job! Now that you know which potatoes are the best for samosas and how to prepare them, you can confidently make better samosas at home. Remember that the type of potato you choose, how you cook it, and the seasonings you use will all impact the final result.

Keep in mind that sweet potatoes or yams are also great options if you want to switch things up and try something different from the classic samosa.

In conclusion, choosing the right potato is crucial for an excellent samosa. By selecting the recommended types such as Yukon Gold, Russet, Maris Piper, Red Bliss or Fingerling and preparing it properly, you will get that perfect texture, flavor, and moisture for your samosas.

With this recipe, you will confidently nail it and serve delicious samosas to your family and friends. So, what are you waiting for? Time to try out your new potato samosas recipe!