The best potatoes for reibekuchen

Hello, fellow potato enthusiasts! Today, we are going to delve into the world of reibekuchen, a delicious German potato pancake dish that’s sure to make your taste buds tingle. If you’ve never tried it before or have struggled to make it perfectly, don’t worry – I’m here to help! And for the seasoned reibekuchen aficionados, perhaps you’ll learn a new trick or two as well.

Now, before we dive into the details of the best potato for reibekuchen, let’s first establish the importance of making the right choice. Potatoes come in many shapes, sizes, and varieties, and selecting the most suitable type is crucial for achieving that oh-so-coveted crispy exterior and the delightful, fluffy interior.

In this article, we will discuss the different types of potatoes, their characteristics, cooking tips, and, of course, the ultimate champion in the reibekuchen game. Are you ready to start this amazing potato journey with me? Let’s go!

Potato Types and Their Characteristics

When it comes to cooking with potatoes, it’s essential to understand that all potatoes are not created equal. Each type of potato has unique characteristics that make it better suited for certain dishes. In this section, we’ll delve into the different types of potatoes and their characteristics, and how they relate to making the perfect reibekuchen.

Starchy Potatoes

Examples: Russet/Idaho

Starchy potatoes have a high starch content and low moisture content, which gives them a fluffy texture when cooked. They are often used in dishes like mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, and french fries because they have a light and fluffy interior.

  1. Characteristics:
  • High starch content
  • Low moisture content
  • Fluffy texture when cooked
  1. Pros and Cons for Reibekuchen:
  • Pros: The high starch content can help make the pancakes crispy and hold together well.
  • Cons: Due to the low moisture content, starchy potatoes can lead to drier pancakes if not properly balanced with other ingredients.

Waxy Potatoes

Examples: Red, new, fingerling

Waxy potatoes are the opposite of starchy potatoes, having a low starch content and high moisture content. This makes them excellent for dishes that require a firmer texture, like potato salad or scalloped potatoes.

  1. Characteristics:
  • Low starch content
  • High moisture content
  • Firm texture when cooked
  1. Pros and Cons for Reibekuchen:
  • Pros: The high moisture content can keep the pancakes tender and moist.
  • Cons: Waxy potatoes lack the starch needed for crispiness and structure, which may result in a denser pancake.

All-purpose Potatoes

Examples: Yukon gold, white

Last but not least, all-purpose potatoes strike a balance between starchy and waxy potatoes. They have a medium starch content and moderate moisture content, making them versatile for various dishes, from potato gratin to potato soup.

  1. Characteristics:
  • Medium starch content
  • Moderate moisture content
  • Versatile texture when cooked
  1. Pros and Cons for Reibekuchen:
  • Pros: Their balanced starch and moisture content can help create a crispy, yet tender Reibekuchen, with the right amount of structure.
  • Cons: While they are versatile, some all-purpose potatoes may be better suited for Reibekuchen than others, so it’s essential to choose the best variety (e.g., Yukon gold) for optimal results.

Now that we’ve covered the different types of potatoes, let’s find out which is the best choice for making delicious reibekuchen!

The best potato for reibekuchen: Yukon gold

Now that we’ve explored the different types of potatoes and their characteristics, it’s time for drum roll, please… the reveal of the best potato for reibekuchen: the Yukon gold!

Characteristics of Yukon gold potatoes that make them the ideal choice

So what makes the Yukon gold potato the star of the reibekuchen show? Let’s break down the key characteristics that set them apart from the other contenders:

  1. Starch content: The Yukon gold potato has a medium starch content that provides the necessary structure and crispiness that makes the perfect reibekuchen. With just the right amount of starch, your potato pancakes will hold together beautifully while achieving the coveted crispy exterior.
  2. Moisture content: When it comes to reibekuchen, the balance of moisture in your potatoes is crucial. Yukon gold potatoes have moderate moisture content, which helps prevent your pancakes from being too soggy, while also maintaining that delicious, tender inside we all crave.
  3. Flavor: Last but certainly not least is flavor. Yukon gold potatoes have a naturally buttery and rich flavor that elevates the taste of your reibekuchen. It’s a potato that adds depth to the dish without overpowering the other ingredients.

Comparison with other potato types in regards to reibekuchen

Let’s take a closer look at how the other potato types measure up to the Yukon gold in terms of reibekuchen performance:

  1. Waxy potatoes: While they may have a firm texture and high moisture content, waxy potatoes simply lack the necessary starch required for that ideal reibekuchen crispiness and structure. The result? A denser, heavier pancake that just doesn’t hit the spot.
  2. Starchy potatoes: These potatoes may have the starch content to create crispiness, however, their low moisture content can lead to dry, crumbly reibekuchen. We want fluffy, tender pancakes, not something that falls apart on our fork!

Tips for using Yukon gold potatoes in reibekuchen

Now that we’ve established Yukon gold potatoes as the reibekuchen champion, here are some helpful tips to ensure you make the most out of these golden gems:

  1. Properly washing and peeling potatoes: Give your potatoes a good scrub under running water to remove any dirt or debris, then carefully peel them to remove the skin.
  2. Shredding or grating techniques: Use a box grater or a food processor with a shredding attachment to achieve fine shreds of potato. Remember, the finer the shreds, the better your reibekuchen will hold together and cook evenly.
  3. Importance of squeezing out excess moisture: After grating your potatoes, place them in a clean kitchen towel or cheesecloth and squeeze out as much moisture as you can. Eliminating excess moisture helps ensure your reibekuchen achieve the perfect balance of crispiness and tenderness.

Recipe for Reibekuchen Using Yukon Gold Potatoes

Now that we’ve established that Yukon gold potatoes are the best choice for reibekuchen, let’s dive into an easy yet delicious recipe that you can make at home. Don’t worry if it’s your first time; we’ve got you covered with step-by-step instructions!

Ingredients and Quantities

Gather the following ingredients before starting the cooking process:

  1. 4 medium-sized Yukon gold potatoes: The star of the show! These potatoes provide the perfect balance of starchiness and moisture.
  2. 1 medium-sized onion: This adds a wonderful flavor and aroma to the dish.
  3. 1/4 cup all-purpose flour: Helps bind the ingredients together.
  4. 1 large egg: Acts as a binder and provides a nice golden color to the fritters.
  5. Salt and pepper, to taste: For seasoning the potato mixture.
  6. Oil for frying: Canola, vegetable, or sunflower oil work best due to their high smoking points.

Preparation Steps

Here’s how you can prepare scrumptious reibekuchen in a few simple steps:

  1. Wash, peel, and grate the potatoes: Thoroughly wash the potatoes to remove any dirt or debris. Next, peel off the skin and grate them using the large holes of a box grater or a food processor’s grater attachment.
  2. Grate the onion: Grate the onion using the same grater or food processor attachment. This creates a more even distribution of onion flavor throughout the pancake.
  3. Combine the ingredients: In a large mixing bowl, combine the grated potatoes, grated onion, flour, egg, salt, and pepper. Mix well until all ingredients are thoroughly combined.
  4. Form patties and fry: Heat about 1/4 inch of oil in a large non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. When the oil is hot enough (around 350°F or shimmering), drop spoonfuls of the potato mixture into the skillet, flattening them into patties with a spatula. Fry the patties for 3-4 minutes per side, or until they are crispy and golden brown. Transfer the cooked reibekuchen to a paper towel-lined plate to drain any excess oil.
  5. Serve with your favorite toppings: Reibekuchen is best enjoyed hot and crispy, so serve them immediately with traditional toppings such as applesauce or sour cream. Feel free to get creative with other toppings or sides based on your preferences!

And there you have it! A mouthwatering reibekuchen recipe featuring Yukon gold potatoes your taste buds won’t resist!

Additional tips for making the perfect reibekuchen

Now that you know the secret star ingredient (Yukon gold potatoes!) for an amazing reibekuchen, let’s dive into some additional tips that’ll ensure you’re whipping up a batch of potato pancakes like a pro!

Ensuring proper oil temperature for frying

To achieve those perfect crispy, golden-brown edges you crave, it’s essential to keep your oil at the right temperature. Ideally, you should aim to heat your oil to about 350°F (175°C) before adding your potato mixture. Use a deep-fry or candy thermometer to monitor the temperature, as guessing can lead to greasy or undercooked reibekuchen. And remember to adjust the heat as needed to maintain that ideal cooking range.

Achieving even browning and crispiness

For even browning on both sides, be patient and resist the urge to flip your reibekuchen too soon. When you see the edges become crispy and golden, it’s time to flip! Usually, cooking each side for around 3 to 4 minutes will give you that desired color and texture. Don’t overcrowd your frying pan, either – leaving enough space between pancakes will allow them to cook more evenly.

Storing and reheating leftover reibekuchen

If you happen to have any leftovers (which may be unlikely given their deliciousness), store your reibekuchen in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days. To reheat them and retain their heavenly crispy texture, place them on a baking sheet and warm them in a preheated 350°F (175°C) oven for about 10 minutes. Resist using the microwave, as it tends to make them soggy.

Experimenting with variations and additional ingredients

Once you’ve mastered the classic reibekuchen, feel free to get creative! Add your favorite herbs or spices to amp up the flavor. A touch of freshly grated nutmeg, garlic, or chopped chives can make a delightful difference. You can even mix in some grated cheese, like a sharp cheddar, for an ooey-gooey surprise inside each pancake. The possibilities are endless when it comes to customizing your reibekuchen to fit your taste buds.

Now you’re ready to impress your friends and family with your newfound reibekuchen expertise, showcasing those perfect Yukon gold potato pancakes. Happy cooking!


In conclusion, choosing the right potato for your reibekuchen is a game-changer. It significantly impacts the overall taste, texture, and enjoyment of this delicious German potato dish. Remember, the Yukon gold potato is your best bet for creating mouthwatering reibekuchen, thanks to its balanced starch and moisture content.

Don’t forget to make use of the recipe and techniques shared in this article, which will undoubtedly guide you towards making perfect reibekuchen with a crispy exterior and tender interior. Feel free to get creative with toppings and variations, making this dish uniquely yours.

Now that you’re equipped with the know-how, why not invite some friends over and impress them with your culinary expertise in reibekuchen? It’s time to embrace your love for potatoes and venture into the delightful world of German cuisine. Happy cooking and guten appetit!

Some Extra Potato Info

Other potato dishes from around the world

In this section, we’ll explore a variety of potato dishes you can create from around the globe. Remember, potatoes are versatile ingredients that can add flavor, texture, and comfort to any meal. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try out these dishes from various countries.

  1. Poutine (Canada): Poutine is a classic Canadian dish made with French fries topped with cheese curds and smothered in delicious gravy. If you want something indulgent and satisfying, this is the dish to try!
  2. Patatas bravas (Spain): This popular Spanish tapas dish features crisp potatoes fried in oil, seasoned with paprika, and served with a spicy tomato sauce. It’s perfect to share with friends alongside a glass of sangria.
  3. Colcannon (Ireland): This comforting Irish dish is made with creamy mashed potatoes, mixed with sautéed kale or cabbage, and flavored with butter, salt, and pepper. It’s perfect as a side dish or even a main course on a chilly evening.
  4. Rösti (Switzerland): Rösti is a Swiss dish made from grated potatoes that are shaped into a pancake and fried on both sides, creating a crispy exterior and a tender interior. Traditionally eaten as a breakfast item, it’s also great as a side dish or even as a base for other toppings.

Nutritional benefits of potatoes

Potatoes are not only delicious and versatile, but they also offer several nutritional benefits. Below are a few reasons why you should feel good about incorporating potatoes into your diet:

  1. High in vitamins and minerals: Potatoes are a great source of vitamin C, potassium, and vitamin B6. Eating potatoes can help maintain healthy blood pressure levels and support the immune system.
  2. Rich in antioxidants: Potatoes contain antioxidants like carotenoids, flavonoids, and phenolic acids, which can help to protect the body from damaging free radicals.
  3. Provides energy and satiety: The carbohydrates in potatoes provide a quick source of energy for your body, and their high fiber content can help you feel full longer, making them a great, satisfying option for meals.
  4. Easily digestible: Potatoes are naturally gluten-free, which makes them a great option for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

So go ahead, enjoy the world of potato dishes, and remember that not only are they comforting and delicious, but they also have nutritional benefits. Bon appétit!